[Suggestion] Pets and Horses  (Read 2923 times)

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[Suggestion] Pets and Horses
« on: 10 Apr 2018, 20:32:54 »
First suggestion;

Could the /pets perhaps get fixed, the pets are invisible, but I keep seeing people talk about them that they're interested in building a place and want a pet in it. I paid good ingame money etc and participated in contests to win unique ones I'd love to brag with as well (haha) but they're invisible so that's no use. I wanna run around town on my endermen :)

Second suggestion;

Players find out the horses despawn, but there's no information or easy interface for the /h command.

I don't even know if they can still buy horses, but when they ride a horse, it despawns,..

My suggestion is to perhaps spit out a msg there saying: You can't own this horse, try instead: /horse help


Re: [Suggestion] Pets and Horses
« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2018, 14:26:45 »
First suggestion;

Could the /pets perhaps get fixed, the pets are invisible, but I keep seeing people talk about them that they're interested in building a place and want a pet in it. I paid good ingame money etc and participated in contests to win unique ones I'd love to brag with as well (haha) but they're invisible so that's no use. I wanna run around town on my endermen :)
I agree the current Pet system doesn't always work as intended and it would be nice to fix. I have created a work item to resolve this: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/fix-pets/.

Second suggestion;

Players find out the horses despawn, but there's no information or easy interface for the /h command.

I don't even know if they can still buy horses, but when they ride a horse, it despawns,..

My suggestion is to perhaps spit out a msg there saying: You can't own this horse, try instead: /horse help
I agree the /horses command isn't very clear to use. Plus it could be confusing as to why normal horses can't be kept. I have created a work item for this change: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/make-using-horses-easier/


Re: [Suggestion] Pets and Horses
« Reply #2 on: 14 Apr 2018, 21:37:02 »
Hey larry,

Thank you for reading the suggestions and being open to addressing them. I hope you find the time.
I've placed my vote for the two items you've created.

If you add one to fix the lag I will vote that one with a +3 :)


Re: [Suggestion] Pets and Horses
« Reply #3 on: 20 Apr 2018, 22:38:59 »
I agree the /horses command isn't very clear to use. Plus it could be confusing as to why normal horses can't be kept. I have created a work item for this change: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/make-using-horses-easier/

Why not just make it a tip in-game?