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Completly agree with everything there
" Imagine if we could build railroads in our nation between towns !! or have the plots connect up and work together with other towns."I was told that this can be done, if towns are allies with each other.
...Towns are eh, too many, and they are, eh.. quite inactive, dead, deserted. Except a bunch. - Wouldn't it be nice if the town is deserted and no active players come on to take it over, that we can perhaps request to turn it into an outpost?Their old town spawn= a new outpost for us. Their old plots: the owner keeps it, just gets tagged as part of the 'new' town name. Effectively adding the ability for us with admin permission after review to merge towns together so we end up with active towns and give players a chance to not get griefed, lose their items, etc. ...
...Another addition would be to perhaps have a limited creative-like options for a limited one hour a month or week, where we can use what we put in our inventory but we can kinda 'creative build' with it. It doesn't have to be the creative interface, but placing and breaking blocks would be at creative speed and just get added or removed from our inventory (if there's space) and with that one hour we can also have the ability to fly like in creative. Even if this is limited to the mayor of the town, or an assigned builder/assistant (just one person) that would mean we can do terious tasks a bit nicer, quicker, and make more progress with the towns so we can focus more on plot management and fine tuning our designs. Heck, i'd even buy this 'one hour once a month' for 500,000 once a month just to get a roof sorted out every so often. Separate from the above .. the ability to fly in only your own town would help with plot management so much. just being able to 'get over there', would be nice, maybe not flying, but say a super bunny jump with a soft landing would already make going around a hill area a bit nicer. And why this is more important than say /j ? .. ppl can't get /j anymore .. But even more importantly; it gives overview. To fix this now, even with /j, i sometimes make a 50 high pile of dirt just to get an overlook of where i am. And boy does that help with planning. Having the ability to temp fly as assistant or assigned plot manager would really help figure out which way to go for the plots, or what is ahead of us....
...I'd like to have some additional features for towny, where we can give our residents more perks, or our assistants custom titles. if you are assistant in my town, and you are in the town region, and you have the title of 'farmer' or 'shop keeper', then people would know by just looking at you when the title is below your username above your head, or when they /player you, .. that you're the person to talk to. They can kinda feel involved and responsible for the farm plots in town. The mayor can say, besides generic help with residents, you're the go to person for building those farm plots, replanting, and what not. The same goes for shop plots, and let someone build a shopping area, a market, where others can have shops and there's this shop-keeper in town , an assistant with that title, who handles all that stuff. But having the title, the rank, or whatever, would really make somone feel more involved....
...A gui for town management, and plot management for town mayor, assistant and resident.. would be really nice. ...
...Some additional option to toggle a plot with flags as 'disable common commands', so we can build parcour or gaming areas as well, but ppl can't use /j or /back etc, like tidal has in her town. It would be nice if we can achieve this as well....
...RPG for towny, this would a nice feature to have. With this i mean the ability to have some towny stats that we can use for levelling or ranking.. Where it can track how many visits a town had, recent ppl that visited, perhaps if they have plots of all types , to unlock some stuff.. or perhaps have earned money through town shops, etc. ...
...I also wouldn't mind if we can have a dedicated area for town mine.. so players can go to the /town x mine, and see a clearly designed 8x8 area or whatever with a pretty design, but only the blocks inside the border can be mined out. And on the first of the month this could reset ....
...The ability to set a couple of town warps, especially with outposts it is hard for residents to know where to start, where the shops are, the mine, the farm, etc. It would be nice if we could /town x shops , /town x farms, .. ...
...And finally, town alliance, if we're all part of a nation, it would be nice if we could both type a command like: /town alliance bobstown and the other goes /town alliance accept, and we get a 5 minute option to register a plot or outpost.. Imagine if we could build railroads in our nation between towns !! or have the plots connect up and work together with other towns. "oh boy"...
This is a brilliant idea, it could solve a lot of things if that were possible! I will look in to the complexity and solutions around implementing it as a feature as soon as possible.One thing to consider would be that the residents of the town which was taken over (to become an outpost) would have to forcefully become residents of the town which was taking over; but I can't see that being a major problem.
I have thought around the possibility to allow temporary short/expensive flight as a similar advantage to /jump (jetpack maybe?), but haven't found a nice way to limit it safely as to avoid players dying from falling, etc. and to not ruin part of the survival feel. If you've got ideas around that let me know too.
I can see that specific titles for staff in towns might be a good idea, but I believe this used to be a feature in Towny before we switched; however I recall it being abused somewhat to just give players amusing/pointless titles, which can just lead to confusion more than being helpful.
This is a feature I have been slowly working on for ages, it is my intention to do this; you'll be able to manage Towns just like you can manage things in the Wilderness.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, just more stats on what's going on in your town? Or do you mean that players would level up things by doing things in your town?
This can already be achieved by purchasing Outposts, or do you want more than that? Outposts can be set anywhere inside your town land, so you could easily buy an outpost and then move the outpost spawn point to be in your shopping area, etc. Outposts must be claimed in an unowned chunk, but once purchased the outpost spawn can be moved anywhere inside your town. You can then also name the outpost to literally achieve almost exactly what you're asking for.