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Actually we should have some more Contents so they could do things like quests
...Build a dark room: We cannot: The mobs are so ridiculously nerfed that the game runs in peaceful mode, nothing spawns anymore. There's no dark room on the server that spawns more than 5. Want a screenshot from Dracomere from few years ago vs today? #chernobylEmpty...
...- Where's the casino...
...- Why can't I ride a horse...- Why does the /h randomly despawn, can't i just tame horses...
...- Why do my mobs despawn...
...- Can I breed animals...
...- Why do my grinders not work...
...- Do they still have the cube- Is there still the sandpit...- Do we still do boat races- When's the next horse race...
...- Anything to explore at spawn...
...- Where is the market at spawn...
...- Will there be another archeology month...
...- Where's the pvp arena at spawn...
...- When will mob arena be back...
...- Can I have a drop party for my town...
...- Can I fish at spawn area...
...- Fishing tournament with mods...
...- What happened to the v5 museum...
...- Did they celebrate 7 years noobscraft and did i miss it...
...- My pet does not work...
...- I can't name tag mobs, they despawn...
...- When is the next quest...
...- What about chunk of the month...
...But right now the server is basically survival and mining for hours to pay for 20k/ town plots (after 32% nation discount) so you can pay for plots and work hard on making things pretty because you're fighting with 45 other abandoned towns to get the 1 new player a week....
...I hope these questions get a generic response of: I hope to introduce more rpg/mmo features (back) into the game this big summer upgrade. Because we understand that variety in game play as well as offering team-work features can bring players together and online more often, which helps the server grow. And that's really what we want here. Build a community. Standing alone in an empty dark room hearing crickets isn't going to cut it....
I have been asking my self those same questions, Well I cant speak for the admin himself, but as a lot of people see, He is the only one we have. Sure we have mods, but their abilities are limited. I miss all the fun stuff this server had and did, the people that went and had mining parties and everyone made money by keeping all the cobble and selling it. Doing the horse races and the boat races were just epic, Drop parties were a blast and the people we had on.. I can remember 80-140 people on at one time. if we had a few more admins, Im sure that all this stuff could happen again. I for one would love to do that stuff again... But only time will tell
Actually we should have some more Contents so they could do things like questsAnd BTW I'm having monthly events for my town https://www.noobscraft.com/towns-nations/tombstones-event-center/ but ironically enough its in a dark room XD
The continuation of The Royal Cure quest is in the works, for what that's worth. ;D Soon!
I can understand your frustration with some of these things, it is only a small team with people asking a lot. I am trying to work on things to improve gameplay for the current features we have currently got working rather than adding (or re-adding) features. I feel as though a smaller number of great features is better than loads of things that don't quite work properly or aren't up to a great standard. Maybe I'm taking the wrong path, but it's the path I decided to take, if you think this should be re-thought and can express good reasoning then I'm open to change.
The reduction in mobs was part of the attempts to try and combat lag on the server. This is something that should now be solved in other ways hopefully; I've therefore adjusting the spawning rates back to their previous settings. This doesn't necessarily mean there will be similar levels of spawning to previously, because of the way spawning works has changed in the game itself, but if it's still no good I can adjust things further. Let me know how it is.
The casino was removed as part of our previous jump up from 1.8 to 1.12, it was decided that it was more sensible to simply remove certain features that would have delayed the update, rather than waiting. This is something that I would like to re-introduce, but the previous system we used hasn't been updated to work properly with 1.12, and as such it's something I'd have to make from scratch. I've created a work item for this at: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/reintroduce-casino/
I'm not aware of reasons as to why you can't ride horses, you should be able to spawn using the /horses command, and ride those? I'm aware of the issue with them disappearing once you dismount them; this is no longer an intended feature and is something I am going to stop happening. I have created a work item to work on this: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/stop-horses-despawning-on-dismount/
Mobs despawning is a part of the game, it's just what happens to them to prevent the world becoming cluttered with them and to allow further mobs to spawn. You can read more about it here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Spawn#Java_Edition_2. The despawning that happens on Noobstown is again following that, but we also limit things per player/area to further ensure that mobs will fairly spread out for all players. As explained about though I have now adjusted the spawning limits so this should be nicer than it was before.
Yes, as long as you don't have too many other animals right nearby. There is a limit to the number you can have in an area, once that limit is reached you won't be able to breed anymore. To combat this you can move the animals further away or kill off some of the others nearby.
As explained above I have now adjusted the spawning limits and rules so they should work slightly better than before now. There were however changes made to the game itself which were designed to adjust how mobs spawn, including reductions in mob grinders working. It's more fair for everyone if mobs are able to spawn freely around the world, rather than like crazy in a small spot where no combat is required.
These games which used to be ran by the admins can still exist, they just haven't taken place for a while. I have no direct issues with doing them again, and during previous events last year we did do some. I will admit we've been lacking in staff ran events recently, but this is because I've prioritised features which can improve gameplay for all, over running events which impact only those online at the time. With the lower player numbers it is also difficult to arrange events to happen at a time when we can get enough people for it to be competitive. So while we aren't doing them consistently like we have previously, they're definitely not gone forever, and will happen again during some of the bigger events of the year.
Things like the boat races or horse races could be done by yourselves though, there is nothing preventing you from using the boat and race tracks in the Town World spawn at /warp town or even building your own tracks.
The area you spawn in now has changed to make it easier to quickly get where you need to be, and to be less confusing for new players. It was purposefully changed to have less exploring options. You can still explore the old spawn in the Town World at /warp town though.
We've also got loads of towns with great builds to explore, that you can freely go to and look around.
The spawn doesn't have a market area, it's simply a place allowing you to get to other worlds. The old spawn in the Town World does still have its market area with villager trades, that hasn't moved.It's recommended that you trade with other players directly though, you'll get much better deals.
The themed months will happen on occasion again, it's again another question of focusing on features which only exist for a short period or working on longer-term things that'll be around for ages. I agree that the months such as archaeology were great fun though. We've still done things like this, if you go back just a few weeks for example we did the Easter Egg Hunt. Was there something about the archaeology month you specifically liked that wasn't achieved in the Easter Egg Hunt?
The spawn doesn't have a PVP arena. You can PVP almost anywhere now, including if you were to build your own arena.
This is a question I get a lot, and unfortunately there isn't a positive answer. We don't and never did make the system which allowed for mob arena to happen, the maps were made for Noobstown and we produced the ranks, etc., but the system which allowed it all to happen together wasn't made by us. The team behind the system don't update it as frequently as I'd like and has been known to have major bugs again and again, I don't want to introduce features which aren't stable enough, and as such I've held off on reintroducing this. It will come back either once it's considered stable enough, or once I have the opportunity to produce our own system which can be properly locked down.
I've not heard this question before. You could create a system to do a drop party in your own Town quite easily using hoppers and droppers.
I wasn't aware that fishing wasn't possible in the spawn world. This is something I will have to look into, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to fish there.
There's no real reason why these can't happen at the moment, it just requires some organisation to get them going. I will see how we can work towards getting the events which mods can organise more regular.
The world was removed almost two years ago now, it was always planned to be a temporary feature, and the usage when it was removed was minimal.
Unfortunately we didn't, due to other commitments I was unable to do our annual celebrations at the right time. It is now my plan to do an extra big celebration relating to this during the Summer to try and make up for it.
This is something you've brought up previously here: https://www.noobscraft.com/idea/suggestion-pets-and-horses/. As I explained there I aware of the issues with pets, and have created a work item to work on solving them: https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/fix-pets/
You can put name tags on mobs and animals, but they do despawn, that is correct. There would be no sensible way for us to allow you to keep mobs if they had a name tag, it would be extremely unreasonable to guarantee that any named mob or animal will never despawn. We try to be fair to all players, and ensuring that there is the possibility for animals and mobs to spawn for everyone is something I want to maintain. Mobs and animals which are named still contribute to the server's mob cap, we can't have the world being filled with mobs and animals that can never despawn because it would block the spawning if new mobs and animals for other players. There isn't some sort of evil option that we will always despawn your named mobs/animals though, it is based on loads of factors when the server decides to despawn an entity, and this will occasionally hit named ones.
Again if you maintain a lower number of animals and spread them out over a bigger area this will reduce those chances, but there is no way to guarantee it unfortunately. If you've got any ideas to combat this in a way that would be fair and couldn't be abused I'd be open to hearing it though.
As KilljoyDivine explained, the next part of the Royal Cure quest is in the works.
Chunk of the Month has become quite an issue for me to consistently keep going. I will admit it's been handled poorly by myself, and as such I feel like it would be unfair to keep it up in its current state at the moment with the possibility for it to go on like it has in the past. I am logistically working out on a nice way that the rest of the staff team could judge the entries and impartially pick a winner; once that has been sorted I would like a building contest of some sort to return.
I can understand your feelings about this, you can focus on whatever you want to on the server; you're choosing to go down the town route, and I appreciate the work involved though. There are changes in the works to try and reduce the number of inactive Towns including your suggestion about taking over them (https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/takeover-inactive-towns/); but like everything, the improvements won't happen overnight. Your goals for town gains need to remain realistic with the current player numbers though; I appreciate that might not be the most diplomatic answer, but it's the honest situation at the moment; there are lots of towns competing for the players, that's part of the game. For now just work as best as you can on what you want and hopefully we'll all see things improve.
I have always tried to provide useful, honest and open answers to questions and suggestions, I'm sorry if you don't feel like that's happened as well as it could have.
I believe we do still have a community at the moment; it is my intention to bring back a bigger sense of it back though, and I have seen recently you've been pushing towards that, I appreciate your contribution to it. The work moving forwards isn't going to happen overnight or even in a few weeks, they're long term goals. Noobstown is great fun for me to work on, I am not going to purposefully try to ruin things; and because of this I don't want to rush things through just because it might increase player numbers in the short-term.
That's a lotta text to quote and then try to reply to, so I'm just gonna jump in and you can guess what I'm referring to if you don't know. Re: COTM voting etc. I keep meaning to propose a team of staff to judge, or an agreed upon team, to judge, then submit the best of x number, maybe top 3 builds. Maybe 2 and 3 get some more coin, and number 1 gets a head. That way the work load is spread out, and it'll get done quicker. Also maybe when they are judged, within that group they talk about why the votes went a certain way, like what was appreciated about each build- this way even if you don't win a prize, you win some feedback, which thus builds (har har) (even) stronger builders.