This is to the Admins  (Read 2199 times)

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This is to the Admins
« on: 4 Jun 2013, 23:03:27 »
This is mainly to the admins but also to everyone else. I DO NOT MEAN THIS IN ANY HARMFUL WAY JUST MY OPINION! (I am also not telling you how to run your server just what I feel about it)

I believe one way to keep more members here at Noobscraft would be to have the Admins be online more. One of the main reasons I stayed at Noobscraftia is because the Admins were online so much. If anything I received more help from the admins in my early days than from the mods. I think it helps bond the community together, and would really help keep more players playing at Noobscraft, improving the popularity. (That is what we all want right?) Now I know that the admins have a VERY busy schedule and I respect that. But, how have things changed that much in 2 years? 2 years ago the admins were as online as much as mods. Now, they aren't.. Sure, you start college etc. I understand that but you still found chances to play during High School. Why not now? Also, I feel as if the community isn't the same as it was originally supposed to be. I only joined because it was a survival RPG, Not a Towny Trading Game. In addition to most of that, look at all of the powerful players we have lost because of this. Imagine adding more to the server, More as in different worlds to do different things. Have a MiniGames world, have a PvP world, have a Towny world, have a RPG world, etc. Look at what that would do to bring in more players. Sure Noobscraft is getting 50+ new guests logging in each day and 20+ new members a day, but look at how much that has dropped recently.

The staff team. I know this may be touchy to talk about, but I'm doing so anyways. A team of 10+ Moderators and 4 admins went down to a team of 6 Moderators and 3 admins in less than a year. Mostly because of Staff stepping down, look at what that says. Waterworth knows what I'm talking about. Other Staff members know what I'm talking about.

That is all I have to say for now.

TL;DR The admins need online more, add more stuff to keep players coming back, what is supposed to be the gamemode here, Staff team improvements.
« Last Edit: 4 Jun 2013, 23:09:17 by nebih »


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #1 on: 4 Jun 2013, 23:07:15 »
Like Neb, I am not telling you how to run your server, just offering my take on what would a few members happy.
Make it more survival-like. Some of you may look at me like I'm an idiot, and say "Noobstown is survival!". I understand that the gamemode is survival, but not the feel. Chances are if you die, you still keep your items. I understand the reason this was put in for death by PVP, but by falling? Follow the number one rule in Minecraft, 1. DON'T DIG DOWN. Oh, you need food? Just go to your town's Cow Spawner. What? I know, the server makes money by selling spawners on the server shop, but come on. The way it should be, and this is entirely my opinion, you should go to a farmer and see his wares. This would improve the economic benefits of being a farmer instead of having to settle from the lowball pricing of the Global Shop.


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #2 on: 5 Jun 2013, 08:02:09 »
I disagree with most of this and I will be quoting you guys with my points of disagreement and agreement.

Nebih, your first big point was that admins were not on as much as they used to be.  I strongly disagree.  The admins never really spent a large amount of time on the server except in V1 and V2 when their moderation rules were still being observed.

As you stated, "2 years ago the admins were as online as much as mods. Now, they aren't.. Sure, you start college etc. I understand that but you still found chances to play during High School. Why not now?"

High School and College are extremely different in the aspect that high school is not hard and does not consume a large portion of your time.  You go to school in the morning, you get off in the afternoon, you spend an hour on homework, maybe.  But that leaves the rest of the night to do whatever you please.  In college your classes are typically sparatically scheduled throughout the day.  And homework is an every day thing for every class which can take up to 5 hours a day.  And if you have an English class you will have a 4-5 page paper due every 2 weeks on top of all the homework upkeep and other class "projects".  And if you work and go to school like me, you have 0 time for anything, sometimes you don't even have time to eat.

Nebih you also said, "More as in different worlds to do different things. Have a MiniGames world, have a PvP world, have a Towny world, have a RPG world..."

Short and simple answer, mining world, events world (minigames, pvp, holidays), end world, nether world, normal world which contains all towns, so towny world if you will, and you do not have to join a town if you don't want to so you can live in the wild with friends and keep the rpg feel with McMmo.  Which brings me to my next point about the amount of moderation.

Back in the day there was a need for more mods because many of them were not online enough so noobstown needed more mods.  Now with better tools and more active moderators this is not an issue.  Just about any time I log in there is a moderator on.  If there is not, wait for 10 minutes and I am sure one will log on.

Krazzylegs you stated that, "I understand that the gamemode is survival, but not the feel. Chances are if you die, you still keep your items. I understand the reason this was put in for death by PVP, but by falling?"

The falling part was added because of all the random holes to bedrock that have been dug all over the server that are sometimes hard to see and easy to fall in to, so my point, your comment of, "don't dig down" doesn't always apply when you are just walking along and fall into a pit that you didn't dig.

Going back to the not joining a town part, you made the point of, "Oh, you need food? Just go to your town's Cow Spawner."

You do not have to join a town and if you do, you do not have to use the towns spawners.  You can have a life out in the wild and use a town to more securely store you items, or show off you building skills in a safe, public area.

My final point, most of these complaints already have a solution, or are being fixed in v6 anyhow, so I suppose you have had a bit of misunderstanding when/if you read the post about v6.  I just fail to see a complain here that hasn't already been answered, sorry.


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #3 on: 5 Jun 2013, 08:41:08 »
I don't quite understand the still get the same experience and the same gameplay. Plus when the admin ARE on they get bombarded with messages and tp with the release of v6 coming soon they have their focus on that...they can't please everyone. Some people are impatient about v6 and some people want them online more...they have to make a compromise somewhere.


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #4 on: 5 Jun 2013, 10:21:01 »

Just to answer this for you;

We also have to run MineApoc, which now also has a forum of its own like Noobstown, not to mention the fact that we also have lives ourselves and don't have time to come online and socialise, because of our work schedules etc. Admins don't need to be online 24/7 because we have Moderators that can monitor the server and ban players. I'd also like to remind you that we do dedicate time to do events on the weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
On to your second point - We will be having events in version 6 which will be automated, for instance, Spleef. If you read my section of the first Version 6 post you would see that I said:
Firstly, we are implementing more plugins to aid in server events for example we will be adding plugins to support large scale events and adventures!

I am also very happy to announce we will be implementing better PvP team games, such as Capture the flag – I believe this is a great change as it gives players other activities to take part in on top of the normal survival Minecraft experience. We want to make Noobscraft innovative and not just another multiplayer server
I believe this is very similar to a minigames world

Quote from: nebih
Sure Noobscraft is getting 50+ new guests logging in each day and 20+ new members a day, but look at how much that has dropped recently.
This is because of the exams - because most of our fanbase are young adults, you will notice that most other servers are dropping in players. There are other reasons why our members are dropping, but they are fixed in the new version.

Our staff did not leave because they were bored of Minecraft, they all stepped down for reasonable reasons - that I will not include for privacy. past-Moderator's like AQW_Assassian01 and TidalMewMew also still play Noobscraft.
The staff team is changing, and will be until the release of version 6, I am preparing the team for a transition because a lot of the moderation features are changing. Just on a last note, if it makes you happier - Admins will be on a bit more in version 6, when we have more free time - but this doesn't mean we will replace Moderators and be online '24/7'.

Hope this helped!


Original v6 post here
« Last Edit: 5 Jun 2013, 10:24:01 by Waterworth »


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #5 on: 5 Jun 2013, 15:45:45 »


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #6 on: 5 Jun 2013, 15:52:29 »
Back in the day there was a need for more mods because many of them were not online enough so noobstown needed more mods.  Now with better tools and more active moderators this is not an issue.  Just about any time I log in there is a moderator on.  If there is not, wait for 10 minutes and I am sure one will log on.
Sometimes I will be online for hours and not see a single moderator log in.


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #7 on: 5 Jun 2013, 15:53:56 »
Thanks Waterworth, I appreciate the feedback.


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #8 on: 5 Jun 2013, 16:04:45 »

I understand your concerns and I personally do feel disconnected from the community at this current time but we are going through massive changes, lots of stuff going on in real life for me and trying to balance it all whilst working to some crazy deadlines is taking it's toll. Once v6 comes out everything will have calmed down by this point and we'll have plenty of free time to come on and interact with you all, I can't wait for that day either.

We aren't distancing ourselves on purpose, we are trying to focus on the future of the server by coming online we won't be making progress on the new version.

I hope you understand these are difficult times. Like we have said before, if you hold on tight you'll see what awesome stuff we have to offer in v6. Those who leave now and leave for good will miss out, I promise you this.

Not only this but I also run another community which is the Minecraft Apocalypse server, I obviously have to separate my time between the two communites to ensure both stay stable. I am working on the new version in my free time whilst also managing the community on Apocalypse. I'm trying my best, I'm no superman however.
« Last Edit: 5 Jun 2013, 16:12:21 by Fatnoob »


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #9 on: 5 Jun 2013, 19:26:10 »


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #10 on: 5 Jun 2013, 20:15:55 »

I understand your concerns and I personally do feel disconnected from the community at this current time but we are going through massive changes, lots of stuff going on in real life for me and trying to balance it all whilst working to some crazy deadlines is taking it's toll. Once v6 comes out everything will have calmed down by this point and we'll have plenty of free time to come on and interact with you all, I can't wait for that day either.

We aren't distancing ourselves on purpose, we are trying to focus on the future of the server by coming online we won't be making progress on the new version.

I hope you understand these are difficult times. Like we have said before, if you hold on tight you'll see what awesome stuff we have to offer in v6. Those who leave now and leave for good will miss out, I promise you this.

Not only this but I also run another community which is the Minecraft Apocalypse server, I obviously have to separate my time between the two communites to ensure both stay stable. I am working on the new version in my free time whilst also managing the community on Apocalypse. I'm trying my best, I'm no superman however.

Okay this makes sense. Thanks for the feedback. Also, I have a quick question, why did V5 last as long as it did while the other 4 versions were only for a few months?


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #11 on: 12 Jul 2013, 17:26:16 »

I understand your concerns and I personally do feel disconnected from the community at this current time but we are going through massive changes, lots of stuff going on in real life for me and trying to balance it all whilst working to some crazy deadlines is taking it's toll. Once v6 comes out everything will have calmed down by this point and we'll have plenty of free time to come on and interact with you all, I can't wait for that day either.

We aren't distancing ourselves on purpose, we are trying to focus on the future of the server by coming online we won't be making progress on the new version.

I hope you understand these are difficult times. Like we have said before, if you hold on tight you'll see what awesome stuff we have to offer in v6. Those who leave now and leave for good will miss out, I promise you this.

Not only this but I also run another community which is the Minecraft Apocalypse server, I obviously have to separate my time between the two communites to ensure both stay stable. I am working on the new version in my free time whilst also managing the community on Apocalypse. I'm trying my best, I'm no superman however.

Okay this makes sense. Thanks for the feedback. Also, I have a quick question, why did V5 last as long as it did while the other 4 versions were only for a few months?

Lack of experience, Minecraft not fully matured and the server software not being reliable. We've come along way since v1 and each version we have learnt so much more. I have been running 24/7 servers now for 3+ Years. V6 is taking the longest because we aren't just putting some plugins off bukkit and slapping them together to make a server. Many of v6 plugin's are created by us and not only that, we are preparing the version for the future, to ensure that the world will triple the life-span of v5. Lots of new and interesting things will be put into place for v6 that'll really make us stand our from any other survival server, we have the ability to reduce the worst part of Minecraft by 99%; Griefing and that's what we plan to do. I want to continue to make Noobstown the best experience possible and that's why v6 has been in full development for such a long time. I hate to keep you all waiting any longer than needed, so when it's ready we'll be bringing everyone on and we can party like the ol' days.


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #12 on: 12 Jul 2013, 17:36:46 »
So when it's ready we'll be bringing everyone on and we can party like the ol' days.
This is what I'm waiting for the most. <3


Re: This is to the Admins
« Reply #13 on: 12 Jul 2013, 20:25:44 »
Fatnoob after reading this that was some serious news for me.  I didn't know that you were doing all that so DANG! Keep it up guys!