Toggle Notifications.  (Read 4357 times)

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Toggle Notifications.
« on: 5 Mar 2019, 17:30:23 »
You know those notifications that pop up in the chat when you kill a mob? The ones that tell you how many nbz you get? Having a way to turn those off would be Grade-A Fantastic. It makes it really difficult to read the chat when there's a lot of people and a ton of notifications.


Re: Toggle Notifications.
« Reply #1 on: 6 Mar 2019, 09:01:42 »
totally agree..
especially when mending all your gear at a guardian farm and trying to chat at the same time!


Re: Toggle Notifications.
« Reply #2 on: 6 Mar 2019, 23:13:44 »
I think it'd be nice, but imo, not to high on a priority unless its simple. While it would definitely be nice to have it, I feel it wouldn't be the best use of time, but thats just my two cents.


Re: Toggle Notifications.
« Reply #3 on: 7 Mar 2019, 20:06:05 »
I so would love this it gets really annoying tying to see a message but you chat is already full of guardians dying.


Re: Toggle Notifications.
« Reply #4 on: 9 Mar 2019, 16:22:11 »
You know those notifications that pop up in the chat when you kill a mob? The ones that tell you how many nbz you get? Having a way to turn those off would be Grade-A Fantastic. It makes it really difficult to read the chat when there's a lot of people and a ton of notifications.
I have noticed this can be slightly annoying, I completely agree. I've thought of a few potential solutions beyond just adding a toggle:
  • Batch messages so they only show every so often. This could mean say every X mobs or after X amount of time you get a single message listing all of your kills and the total you've made from it.
  • Move messages from the chat to the action bar (the area just above your hotbar) as we've already done with the auto-sell messages.

Because of the way that these messages are shown at the moment it's not just a case of me flicking a switch for this to happen immediately, but is definitely something possible and it shouldn't be too difficult. I've created a work item to address this: Great idea!


Re: Toggle Notifications.
« Reply #5 on: 9 Mar 2019, 17:50:16 »
I really like that action bar thing. That sounds like a great solution. Upvoted the ticket.