Top active players  (Read 3033 times)

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Top active players
« on: 11 May 2018, 23:39:16 »
I was wondering if it's possible to see the most active players in the stats or something. I do feel like I've got a general idea but it's still something I'd like to see.


Re: Top active players
« Reply #1 on: 11 May 2018, 23:49:31 »

Most online players :) They're pretty active.


Re: Top active players
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2018, 00:01:55 »
Ok I mean on a monthly level there doesn't seem to be one for that (unless I'm blind)


Re: Top active players
« Reply #3 on: 12 May 2018, 02:30:15 »
Ok I mean on a monthly level there doesn't seem to be one for that (unless I'm blind)
Nope, and yes! Monthly stats would be nice for a couple of things.


Re: Top active players
« Reply #4 on: 2 Jun 2018, 11:35:53 »
I was wondering if it's possible to see the most active players in the stats or something. I do feel like I've got a general idea but it's still something I'd like to see.
This is something I am working on for a while now; to do this I'm having to change many things behind-the-scenes so that we can calculate things easily on a month-by-month basis, which is why it's not been released quite yet. It'll be a range of monthly specific stats which you'll be able to view progress on throughout the month and then earn rewards if you're in the top few each month, a bit like the top voters but for many other things too!