Traveled Distance  (Read 4209 times)

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Traveled Distance
« on: 23 Jan 2019, 05:00:47 »
I think it would be really cool to have unbreaking 5 or so (maybe 10) for like a stack of distance traveled books
this would be really cool seemingly everywhere i got i use my wings and when i go end exploring i need to be really cautious about if im gonna fall and lose all my stuff
this would personallly be really nice for me


Re: Traveled Distance
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jan 2019, 02:06:15 »
I dont think theres even U4 in the game yet. At least one that actually works. If you want, I can give you a U9, but it just turns into a U3 like everything else. While this sounds nice, I'm not sure making stuff that OP (even u3 is hard to break tools and stuff, other than elyctra) would be good, because it just widens the gap between new and old players.


Re: Traveled Distance
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jan 2019, 17:51:40 »
I was actually able to get an unbreaking 10 bow a long time ago as part of cupids bow from 5 ish years ago. To my knowledge this might be the only weapon with U X on it, a while ago there was a holiday with  leather U X armmor and people salvaged the armmor for U 9 and U X books but when recombined turned to U 3.


Re: Traveled Distance
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jan 2019, 21:46:36 »
as others have said, an Unbreaking book would not work but you can have unbreaking say, 6 on just the items.

So it would be a neat idea to be able to get an unb5 elytra with distance traveled tokens, or unb5 sword for mob killed tokens (maybe an unb X hoe for the lolz)

I'm not sure making stuff that OP (even u3 is hard to break tools and stuff, other than elyctra) would be good, because it just widens the gap between new and old players.
You technically can get unb4 (from /top for top of the top tokens) and unb5 from the noobween event, so It wouldn't be that big of a deal. Plus there's mending so things hardly break anyway, more unbreaking is just delaying when you need to mend your items.


Re: Traveled Distance
« Reply #4 on: 24 Jan 2019, 23:02:32 »
I see what you mean Diamond, but those are limited and require a lot more work. To get top of top, you need top in more than just one section, which is being suggested by u5 in certain areas. With events, those are only for what? A month? And most of those are the harder items to obtain and require lots of time put in. I personally don't want this becoming like a faction server where loads of items have huge unbreaking and sharp etc. Like you mentioned, mending is already in the game, so I dont see why this is necessary. Would much rather an update to pets or horses or something.
(Edit: Or 1.13 :P. I know its based on the paper client but still. May as well throw it out there.)