/visit top  (Read 5490 times)

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/visit top
« on: 22 Apr 2018, 17:16:18 »
hi larry i had an idea for the /visit commands maby have a /visit top that will show the 10 most visited visits so new player  and old can find the most visited areas that could be gd shops or even grinders for xp or to nice builds and maby have it reset every month so new visits can pop up from time to time


Re: /visit top
« Reply #1 on: 22 Apr 2018, 17:51:05 »
Head hunting events: /visit thelynx74
public exp orb grinder: /visit nixxy73
broken 4 towers because they nerfed mobs in towns: /visit mistic_ice
best way to mcmmo acrobatics: /visit ilujf
display of nearly 600 minecraft items: /visit mrfloris



Re: /visit top
« Reply #2 on: 22 Apr 2018, 18:34:38 »
That isn't a bad idea id love to see something like that :D


Re: /visit top
« Reply #3 on: 2 Jun 2018, 11:28:25 »
...i had an idea for the /visit commands maby have a /visit top that will show the 10 most visited visits so new player  and old can find the most visited areas that could be gd shops or even grinders for xp or to nice builds and maby have it reset every month so new visits can pop up from time to time
I can definitely see the reasoning behind the idea, but not sure if that'd be a great way to allow people to find good visits.
  • People could potentially manipulate the results by visiting someone multiple times just to push a certain other player up the ranks.
  • If you get a list of player names it doesn't necessarily help with figuring out what the reason would be for visiting that player. It could be that they've got a cool build that's been shown off a lot, or could be a shop, or a grinder, etc.. If these could be differentiated somehow I think it'd be much more useful.
  • It's not very fair on person 11+ in the list, they'll get no exposure and because the top 10 are being promoted it's likely they'd just push themselves further and further away from person 11+ for that month.

I like the idea of promoting popular places, but not sure of a great way to implement that; if you've got an idea which might combat some of those things I'd love to hear it.


Re: /visit top
« Reply #4 on: 2 Jun 2018, 13:05:22 »
An assigned [event] administrator could take on this job in between dealing with events. :)

That person could simply take the time as part of their job to get a list of the popular visits behind closed doors, then take note of them after visiting and see which are notable.

Then we end users will just notice an update once in a while when a visit gets removed or added.

Curated list from "this is a popular grinder lately" to "not a dirt hut" and because it's a person doing this, they can take into account if the owner of the visit is actually an active player, and all that stuff. Things that could make it as simple: .. towns, wilds, spots, builds, event area, etc .. notable things. Obviously the locations change over time as players come and go ..


Re: /visit top
« Reply #5 on: 2 Jun 2018, 18:55:24 »
Instead maybe have it rotate? So like there's the top ten. Then the next month the top 20. Go till 30 then reset? Idk I dknt really see a big point or beneficial to it, as how would the new players know the command without asking, and in which they could just ask where to go.