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+ More activity in /ah
+ More towns, so that new members have more to choose from
+ Much more activity in chat
+ Different events that can be hosted by different members
Yes I'd like that, and I do need to get some of my heads up there...This is something that can be done I guess that there arn't many people wanting to save up that much This can be done if there were more people online but that's the point of this thread I guess XDThis is currently being done I'd post links but I can't remember them all XD Just keep an eye on the forums and you should see a few by me at least
His point is that if we get more ppl, we'd have more activity on those things, like ah and chat, etc
I honestly don't know. If someone likes big servers, there is always others. I personally like the fact that the server is small, and we know each other relatively well. I play on about 3 or 4 servers, and this is the ONLY server that I feel like I can talk to. I appreciate that. I guess knew members might be nice, but I can see downside of more chat of does anyone have this, instead of being friendly and talking.