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1 Jan 2021, 11:35:12 by ItsLawrence | Views: 6778 | Replies: 1

December 2020's Top Players of the Month contests are now over!

All players in the Top 10s of every category will get gifted rewards. See the announcement about the rewards at: https://www.noobscraft.com/server/top-player-rewards/. The top 3 spots of each category get a special item for their position, plus every player in the top 10 gets a number of Reward Tokens based on their position; on top of that every top 10 player gets a single unique...
25 Dec 2020, 05:33:32 by ItsLawrence | Views: 5360 | Replies: 0

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from myself and the rest of the Noobstown team! I hope you all enjoy the holiday season, and that you get celebrate in whatever ways are possible this year :).

To celebrate on Noobstown it'll be 2x mcMMO XP all the way through to the New Year again!

There is also a gift for Day 25 available today only! Remember to take any of the Advent gifts you've opened but not collected before the end of the month too!
1 Dec 2020, 11:35:24 by ItsLawrence | Views: 6191 | Replies: 1

November 2020's Top Players of the Month contests are now over!

All players in the Top 10s of every category will get gifted rewards. See the announcement about the rewards at: https://www.noobscraft.com/server/top-player-rewards/. The top 3 spots of each category get a special item for their position, plus every player in the top 10 gets a number of Reward Tokens based on their position; on top of that every top 10 player gets a single unique...
30 Nov 2020, 19:34:02 by ItsLawrence | Views: 8816 | Replies: 2

As is tradition every year on Noobstown; starting from the 1st of December we'll be offering rewards each day for the Advent count-up to Christmas (25th).

This year the gifts are spread around a small snowy landscape for you to explore, with them being inside the big presents around the snowy area! Follow the gravel paths to easily find all of the gifts! Every day (until the 25th) at /warp gift quickly look around the area to find the free different gift for that day (it'll be clearly labelled, with all the numbered gifts in the big presents around the area)!...
1 Nov 2020, 11:35:14 by ItsLawrence | Views: 5794 | Replies: 1

October 2020's Top Players of the Month contests are now over!

All players in the Top 10s of every category will get gifted rewards. See the announcement about the rewards at: https://www.noobscraft.com/server/top-player-rewards/. The top 3 spots of each category get a special item for their position, plus every player in the top 10 gets a number of Reward Tokens based on their position; on top of that every top 10 player gets a single unique...
18 Oct 2020, 14:22:23 by ItsLawrence | Views: 6214 | Replies: 1

As part of Noobween 2020 the Noobween Candy trades are now open at /warp noobween. You can trade them in for a variety of different things including: rare heads, Noobstown Gems (Nbz), Weapons, Tools, Armour, Ores, and more! Be sure to explore around the area and look at the different things you can get before making your choices!

To get the Candy for the trades simply play as you normally would and keep an eye out for the random candy drops!

Plus a reminder that it's also 2x mcMMO...
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