AH warning  (Read 1048 times)

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AH warning
« on: 25 Oct 2015, 04:02:50 »
Earlier tonight there was an issue regarding the AH and I just want to publicly put out there for new players or older players or whoever. Please make sure when you're buying something on the AH that it's not a fake item or that you really pay attention to the price.

There are some players who don't care to take advantage of other players. If you buy something and you mistake 250K for 25K you won't get your money back and it's unfortunate.

So this is just a disclaimer and warning to those who like to shop on the AH please be aware of what you're buying. IF you're selling and you're not sure on the price of an item ask in chat first. You'll have better luck selling it and you'll always be selling at a fair price.



Re: AH warning
« Reply #1 on: 25 Oct 2015, 04:04:59 »
I understand as well that players can set their prices how they wish but there are some players who are intentionally out to troll and take advantage of players and there's a huge difference.


Re: AH warning
« Reply #2 on: 25 Oct 2015, 04:06:17 »
I totally agree with this statement. People out there are being scammed out of their money and that's not what we as a community represent.