Buying  (Read 835 times)

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« on: 27 May 2014, 00:03:41 »
 If this was already stated let me know. It would be nice for the /shop command to allow us to buy from it. A good reason, while mining your torches supply runs out, it would be nice to be able to buy torches and many more so we could not have to go back home and get more torches then having to return to your mining hole. I know there is auction, but you have to warp to auction which is like /home. Please look into this staff members. Thank You. :) :D ;)


Re: Buying
« Reply #1 on: 27 May 2014, 09:56:59 »
I think a good reason why the /shop doesn't allow players to buy from it is to promote player to player trading. If the shop did have a buying option, player to player trading would lessen. Thus weakening the Noobscraft economy. Of course if you need to bring lots of torches, a good way would be to not craft the actual torches until you need them. For example, bring a stack of logs and coal. Since your 2x2 crafting grid is big enough to craft torches with raw material, you may be able to save inventory space that way. I hope this helps.