INEEDANAME1564  (Read 976 times)

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« on: 26 May 2011, 03:03:54 »
OK, Yay, I guess Is my turn,I have been here long enough that it is time for me to post this :D

Hi, I'm INEEDANAME1564, and yes I do have a name.
Irl my name is Dylan (I just ruined the INEEDANAME bit now lol) and I live in the very small country of Canada <3
Ontario to get into specifics, I am 13 turning 14 in July and am in grade 8, grad next month :0.
I like to learn about computers, study some C++ for dummies every now and then, I hope to go to the university of waterloo and get a degree in computer science and work for apple as a software engineer. :D (Big dreams, I know :)
In my spare time I play mine craft, and always play on Noobstown.
I also run Launchpad dynamic system centers in Noobstown as my private base for money and stuff.
I hope that I am nice to you people in Noobstown craft, I am patient with the new arrivals to the server and like to help them if they need it.
Well that's about me, hope you enjoyed reading it and will hope to see you in Noobstown :D
(p.s my favorite emotion is the ":D" )