Stepping Back  (Read 1500 times)

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Stepping Back
« on: 22 Mar 2016, 05:59:05 »
Hello friends, members of Noobstown.

As you may have seen, since late January, I haven't been very active on Noobscraft. This is due to a variety of new things and interests that have come into my life, of which I do not wish to detail. I will pop on here or there but since I will not be able to make major progress on things like my head collection or my town, Celestia, I have handed some of my things to others who I can trust, and have actively played with for all this time. The town of Celestia has welcomed its second mayor - Randoperson, who has been my loyal and trusty co-mayor ever since I founded the town a little over a year ago. My head collection, which has over 230 unique specimens, including rarer ones such as the Wizard Orb and the Demonic Overlord, has been handed off to the crafties, who I see as leaders in this community, and who I trust will keep them safe and use them well. My small fortune of a little less than 1,000,000 nbz has been put into the bank of Celestia so they can prosper for much longer. Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me, befriended me, partied with me, and the list goes on.

Thank You,