any tips? I feel ill but have these big school projects tonight T.T  (Read 1406 times)

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okey so I feel ill its not nervous but I have the presentation of that school profile project tonight and need to be in a good condition to get a good mark.

please does anyone have a tip to help me out?

(please only serious responces)


What do you mean by feeling "ill"? Cold, stomachache, ... ?


cold/ warm (changes the whole time)


Ok, A: take some panadol/painkillers, have a hot shower. uh.... drink fluids, keep that up..... thats all that Dr. BC can prescribe for now :/


a we dont have pain killers at school
b we dont have showers/or the time on school
only drinking water alll day long already


Ask someone if he can give you an aspirin. If there are no schoolnurses, the secretaries often have one in their desk. ;)

If you are not at school right now take a long nap, your body will need the energy if you are ill.

If you really can`t take it anymore, ask your teacher if you could go home because you`re feeling ill and need some rest and tell him you will come back in the evening to hold that presentation.

And if you are feeling dizzy keep away from computerscreens, they will only make it worse ;)


Ask someone if he can give you an aspirin. If there are no schoolnurses, the secretaries often have one in their desk. ;)

If you are not at school right now take a long nap, your body will need the energy if you are ill.

If you really can`t take it anymore, ask your teacher if you could go home because you`re feeling ill and need some rest and tell him you will come back in the evening to hold that presentation.

And if you are feeling dizzy keep away from computerscreens, they will only make it worse ;)

thanks <3

Im at school right now taking care of setting up stuff, so cant take a nap
and I need to work with my laptop and an active board :/
so Ill have to work with computers :/

but ill try to do as much as possible what you said thanks again <3


You`re stuck at schoold, that`s a problem then.
Try to convince a schoolfriend to use the breaktime to go to a nearby pharmacy and get you something against cold (i.e. Aspirin +C). Also try to get something light to eat, if you can`t get soup try joghurt (preferably without fruits if you have an upset stomach).


Im drinking a lot of vitamin water (C) and took some vitamin C pills aswell
and a lot of water.

the pharmacy is 15 minutes by bike I hope I can get someone far enough :/


make sure you pack up warm, never cold. easy prescribtion, right?


uuhm... I needed it yesterday
Im already better...