How about you?  (Read 2692 times)

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How about you?
« on: 4 Mar 2012, 22:42:12 »

I've always been into conspiracy theories, things that involve the planet, towns/cities/countries, human and/or extraterrestrial experiments or beliefs/theories. I get really engrossed in historic and modern facts with proof on how this world is run or possibly whom/what organizations it's run by. I like to know about more of our histories mysterious and unsolved events.. I could go all day, but I'd rather leave you to have a look into this if you're interested.

I found a great website called HowStuffWorks?, it has a section within the website telling you about theories and facts. It has a wide range of videos showing you proof from "Dyatlov Pass" to "Did the Nazi's proove the earth was hollow?", the "Dyatlov Pass" was a REALLY, seriously I mean REALLY interesting event. there's about 28 videos concentrated on different events that have occured before and during our lifetime, and even possibilities for the future.

I love learning important things.... "How about you?"

Have a look at whatever video that catches your eye or you could do what I've done.. Have a look at them all.

« Last Edit: 4 Mar 2012, 22:47:04 by Jayjay36 »


Re: How about you?
« Reply #1 on: 5 Mar 2012, 14:28:29 »
sounds fun :3

do you believe in Nessie?


Re: How about you?
« Reply #2 on: 5 Mar 2012, 14:55:17 »
sounds fun :3

do you believe in Nessie?
Tbh I do. I like to believe in things like that :P It makes life more mysterious xD


Re: How about you?
« Reply #3 on: 5 Mar 2012, 15:59:35 »
I love it when people bring up such fascinating and in-depth ideas that people can discuss about with different contradicting views and opinions. I'd love to dispute the ideology between whether people think if ghosts are real or not. :3


Re: How about you?
« Reply #4 on: 5 Mar 2012, 16:47:30 »
I love it when people bring up such fascinating and in-depth ideas that people can discuss about with different contradicting views and opinions. I'd love to dispute the ideology between whether people think if ghosts are real or not. :3
Yeah, same here. I believe in ghosts because of personal reasons.. Lol. The debating between ghosts being fact or fiction is amusing, I like to hear of descriptive/believable stories of how people are witness' to catastrophic occurrences that include ghosts or extraterrestrial beings.

It just annoys me that the government keeps so much information that could be beneficial to everyone, a secret, not just including ghosts, but like one of the videos that I seen on the website that I linked above, the "HowStuffWorks?" crew/guy made a video showing us if we are possibly living in the 18th century, not the 21st, he pieces interesting finds and documents of information that could be proof. The video explains how a HUGE sum of years could've never been real at all... That means that some of our history can be totally made up.
« Last Edit: 5 Mar 2012, 16:49:33 by Jayjay36 »


Re: How about you?
« Reply #5 on: 5 Mar 2012, 17:06:09 »
Going to watch the videos in a second.)
Personally, I see things from mostly scientific perspective, although there are some exceptions. Aliens FTW.
By that, I mean I don't really believe in Nessie or ghosts.
I DO believe though in quite a lot of historical myths, as for example Nazis having UFOs (Remember, it means Unidentified Flying Objects, not necessarily aliens.), or that Ancients COULD had some sort of contact with extraterrestial intelligence. Once again, Aliens FTW.


Re: How about you?
« Reply #6 on: 5 Mar 2012, 17:24:44 »
This sounds stupid but you have the same ideas of Cilan from Pokémon. :3


Re: How about you?
« Reply #7 on: 5 Mar 2012, 23:16:15 »
This sounds stupid but you have the same ideas of Cilan from Pokémon. :3

* looks at the text.....*
* looks at signature....*
* looks at profile picture...*

are you a pokemon addict?


Re: How about you?
« Reply #8 on: 5 Mar 2012, 23:31:02 »
I lol'd.

The problem I've always had with these is:
1. lack of actual documentation
2. What little evidence is offered, is just anecdotal
3. They're presented in that typical "paranormal mystery" show style. Made for entertainment, not as being informative.

That being said, there's plenty of mistakes and outright falsehoods we accept as fact. I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of what we think and know as a society isn't 100% true. Case in point being the documented mistakes in plenty of american history textbooks.


Re: How about you?
« Reply #9 on: 6 Mar 2012, 02:18:46 »
Uhh, myths. Grab you earplugs I think i`m just about to start one of my too long and too tiresome monologues. :D
The problem for me about all these myths are all those "additions" that are added over time.
Look at Atlantis, todays picture of Atlantis in the media is often one about a city with superior technologies. But the original stories about Atlantis from Plato only mention a city that was rich and modern for an ancient city but there is nothing about any overly advanced technologies. So the myth became bigger and bigger (especially thanks to the magic of Hollywood).

Of course it also works in the other direction - old myths being deconstructed by modern theories. Let`s take a look at Marco Polo. One of the key theories of the critics that say "he never was in China" claim as a proof that he didn`t mention the crossing of the Great Wall of China. If he had crossed such a significant building he would have certainly mentioned it. But he didn`t mention it - so he couldn`t have been in China. Well, that`s a nice theory, the catch is that these modern day critics forget an important detail. We all know the picture of the big wall that spans across mountain ridges and we think that is the Wall that surrounded China, that is the Wall Marco Polo would have had crossed  and certainly mentioned if he had been there. But this big Wall on the mountain ridge, well that`s only a part of the northern walls. The great wall was actually a whole network of walls, build in different centuries, different regions and various sizes. Now Marco travelled along the Silk road in the south and the wall there was only about 3 meters high at the edge of a huge desert (you don`t need a high wall if you have a desert in front of it). A 3 meter high wall certainly wouldn`t be worth mentioning for an Italian who had not only seen some higher Citywalls in europa but also the ancient walls of Persia and maybe even some of the indian Moghulforts. But in our modern times we only think about the pictures the media shows us and those are of course the more impresive parts of the walls that make us believe that there is only one huge wall surrounding the whole country. Therefore the theory about Marco Polo not being to China bacause he didn`t mention the wall sounds somewhat logical to us.
And to cover another modern western myth: Despite being impressive to look at (especially here in the northern regions like the nearby Badaling)  from the ground and certainly one of the wonders of the world - you can`t see the wall from space ;)

Or let`s look the story about the Nazis and the UFO mentioned by Tyber earlier. Well, if we hear the term UFO most of us will think about flying saucers and aliens. But the term UFO itself was first used in the early 50`s by the US airforce. So back in the 40`s towards the end of the war nobody would have even dreamt of aliens being involved with the nazis. Like Tyber said the term means "Unidentified flying object" and if you had told some allied officiers about an unidentified flying object, aliens would have certainly been the last thing they thought about, they would have thought that you mean just another new fancy idea the german engineers have come up with -especially at the end of the war when the allies discovered all these plans and projects were discovered that luckily never were finished or only existed on paper.  In case of the german UFO`s these prototypes might be especially interesting: Sack AS-6 (german, prototype proved to be to ineffective so the project was s****ped in 1945)
Lippisch P13a (the prototype was captured by the americans and had it`s first succesfull testflight in the USA)
Another protoype that somehow ends up to be shown as a german UFO were the early prototypes of the canadian (later also american)Avrocar even if it was developed after the war.
So for me personally the myth is clear: Yes, they had a unsuccesfull flying saucer (the Sack plane above), but NO they didn`t have alien spacecrafts ;) They didn`t even need aliens to have crazy ideas about new warmachines. I mean look at the plans the allies found at the end of the war:
Panzer VII Maus (Mouse) 2 working prototypes for a 188 ton tank (the largest tank ever buil, as reference: the american Sherman had 30 tons, the Tiger II about 70 tons). And even as the prototypes showed that the tank was too heavy and slow too be usefull, they simply didn`t stop. Instead they planned  the next bigger step (until the project was cancelled in 1943 because even building one would have used too much off the scarce german ressources): the 1000 ton Landkreuzer P1000 Ratte (landcruiser Rat) and the 1500 ton P1500 Monster (suppossed to carry one of the big railroad artillery cannons). They just loved the idea that these wonderweapons would win the war by means of "shock and awe". And well if you look at the V1, V2 or the jetfighters at the end of the war, some of these ideas really worked (they luckily came too late and due to the lack of resources in too low numbers to change the course of the war).
So, for me there are no aliens in these myth - but unknown flying and driving machines? Of course, it`s part of our german spirit to believe that an advanced enough machine can solve almost any problem (some americans seem to have the same spirit with big guns).

So, if it comes to historical myth that actually interest me I love to check the "old" sources first before seeing all these modern theories. Knowing more of the background just makes it more fun to watch mystery shows because it might be easier to seperate the original myth form the modern "sensational upgraded"myth.

Some of the other "non mythical" videos seem to be part of bigger Discovery documentaries, I remeber seeing some of the scences here on DiscoveryChannelAsia. So to be honest, I just spent more time to look at other videos on that site than at looking for the actual myth videos. It`s a very interresting link, thanks for posting it Jayjay.

Besides all that - I only really believe in Myths that were "confirmed by the Mythbusters" :P (who also have a some short videos on that site).


Re: How about you?
« Reply #10 on: 6 Mar 2012, 03:53:04 »
yes, i hear about the tank aswell,

"The Mouse" was originally thought of by hitler. hitler had a fascination for large weapons, which is why he made maria and duke (marly and moe or something like that....) which were massive rail-artillery (Artillery on Train-Line rails.) anyway, "The Mouse" was originaly suposed to be made upto 42ft hight and had 6 Heavy Naval Shore-Bombardment Guns on it, it was supposed to win hitler the war, Scientists say that if there were even a few built, The Chances of Germany winning WWII would have been signifigantly increased.


Re: How about you?
« Reply #11 on: 6 Mar 2012, 17:19:10 »
@Albatros I actually loved reading the HUGE 'novel' you posted :P can you maybe do it again, but this time on Dyatlov Pass? I wouldn't mind reading about that here on NoobsCraft, I just can't find the time to go out and find a nice reasonable website that tells most of the historic proof (Except from the video).

Oh and It's my pleasure to share the link with you :D.


Re: How about you?
« Reply #12 on: 8 Mar 2012, 16:57:09 »
I`m afraid I can`t help you with that one. That`s one of these mysteries where the few facts are almost inseperable from the rumors and speculation (like Roswell). Some of the facts listed on many of these sites even come from a fictional novel (A. Matveyeva "Dyatlov pass"), so there is no way to actually know what`s true of all the information unless you go to Russia and take a look at the real records of the investigation.

I even found a site that blamed it on zombies (which reminded me a little of this book). It felt like about 90% of the sites out there are either blaming aliens, the russian goverment or the Nato, the siberian bigfoot and other causes the simply cannot be proven. I was only suprised that nobody blamed it on wodka.

The 10% of the sites that were actualy based on pure facts only dealt with the phenomenon of "paradoxical undressing" (which was a core part of the myth) from a medical perspective. It seems that some cases of hypothermia are linked to this phenomenon. The victims of hypothermia get so confused and disoriented by the effects of the low body temperature that despite the fact that they are freezing they actually take their cloth off. And that`s not even a rare event, it seems to happen in 25-50 percent of the cases. And if you combine this medical phenomenon with the fact that desperate humans in stress situation often follow the example of others - it might only have taken one or two members of the group to undress and the rest might just have followed their example.
For me that was the interesting part of the myth, to see how fragile the human mind can be in such desperate situations and to question myself if I would know how to survive a situation involving hypothermia.


Re: How about you?
« Reply #13 on: 8 Mar 2012, 18:03:35 »
Awww, thanks for going out of your way to find the real facts for that mystery, I really appreciate it. I still learned something new from what you posted above, thanks again aha ;)


Re: How about you?
« Reply #14 on: 11 Mar 2012, 17:05:53 »
This sounds stupid but you have the same ideas of Cilan from Pokémon. :3

* looks at the text.....*
* looks at signature....*
* looks at profile picture...*

are you a pokemon addict?
*Looks at circumstance....*
*Sees self.....*
Oh why?! XD