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Messages - bukknuttie

Pages: [1] 2
Other / Re: Bukkit Bad News?
« on: 13 Nov 2013, 23:31:51 »
im surprised that they aint at least put up a temp world for everyone to play put up a 1.72 vanilla world till they updated bukkit, then they can get the plugins working and release v6 which will be about the time 1.8 will come out..cant wait to check out all their hard work.

Server Announcements / Re: Unexpected Sad News!
« on: 28 Oct 2013, 23:49:40 »
the fastest way would be release 1.72 vanilla and ad the mods as there available ,so basically  were waiting on them to save their work and stuff they built  by waiting for them to update the mods....

I am quite fond of the professionalism this server runs by. Your suggestion doesn't seem anything near the style that this admin crew runs by. They change things as they see fit and when needed only, and they release a server that is ready to go. While it sounds like a good idea, the members of this server can find that haphazard way of running a server anywhere else. This server is downright the best there is, and I only fear people will lose interest if they wait more than a month or two of downtime before they can play on it again.

I will be loyal. This is the first Minecraft server I ever played on. This will be the last. My wife already finds my obsession with this wonderful game to be silly, but we allow each other our free time. I just hope I don't continue to waste my free time elsewhere, waiting months and months for my favorite server to my favorite game to come back online.

I would totally agree...I wasn't around for version 5 I came in at the very tail end of version 1  or 2 cause if I remember right the first world didn't realy have a version...I could be wrong its been an awaful long time.....and from what I remember every time we went to a new version it was plugin hell...

one time the world file was destroyed completely like v2 or 3 I cant remember...but they got stuff going pretty quick. I still check these forums every day to see if we get an update on some if any progress I cant wait such a good server I love it.

Server Announcements / Re: Unexpected Sad News!
« on: 27 Oct 2013, 00:29:33 »
the fastest way would be release 1.72 vanilla and ad the mods as there available ,so basically  were waiting on them to save their work and stuff they built  by waiting for them to update the mods....

Server Announcements / Re: Unexpected Sad News!
« on: 27 Oct 2013, 00:04:28 »
Just thought I'd mention this, on teamspeak Lawrence stated that the worlds were generated in the snapshots so they already had the new biomes in them.

this is where I seen that it was from a snapshot I musta been confused 

Server Announcements / Re: Unexpected Sad News!
« on: 26 Oct 2013, 20:45:37 »
id still like someone in the know to explain how they can generate a world from a snapshot and have all the mods working and ready to go?

my prediction is that they will throw up v6 and announce that there building a new world for 1.72 and we will get that in a few months after dangling the carrot.....

I appreciate all the hard work from fat noob and his help and really enjoy the server but it feels moor like we get hand me down worlds....after they built what they wanted....

there is a great community here of minecrafters ,whom I believe would be more than happy to to play on a server that didn't have a luxurious starting town/spawn..  its not how pretty your world is its the players that play on the server that make it great.

Server Announcements / Re: Unexpected Sad News!
« on: 26 Oct 2013, 00:43:47 »
Just thought I'd mention this, on teamspeak Lawrence stated that the worlds were generated in the snapshots so they already had the new biomes in them.

I was wandering about this. mabe someone can clear this up? I mean if its working from a snapshot shouldn't it work period. I meen if its already got the new bio's don't it already got everything else? ive been out of the minecraft sceen for a min, excuse me if im way off......cause im not sure if you could take everything they built and transfer it to a newly generated world 1.6 to 1.7 can they...?

Server Announcements / Re: Unexpected Sad News!
« on: 24 Oct 2013, 17:57:53 »
sad news indeed.  I haven't played in over a year or so and been waiting for v6 to start playing again. ive tried a few other servers over the years and never had the fun and enjoyment that I had on this one.

I know everyone is pumped to get started but with a new version on the way it is best to get the server cought up before launch..

if you think your bummed now imagine mining all week and finding an epic spot to call home ,get your town started then bam! plugin messes up...which leads into trying to fix a plugin which results in damage or destruction of the world file or something crazy.....ohh ive seen it happen..   then you get a lot of angry miners lol

waiting paitently <3

looks to be interesting ..and seems your making great progress. I remember the first few worlds were quite fun I enjoyed them a lot I haven't played minecraft in quite a while.but am looking forward to playing again when the fresh world goes live...

Server Announcements / Re: White-list
« on: 7 Aug 2011, 22:35:14 »
im soooo glad : )

Server Announcements / Re: History of Noobstown
« on: 31 Jul 2011, 00:08:46 »
i miss my plot in noobywood...........

im not sure witch video this was as there are tones on youtube about this and others....but from my understanding that this only works on non bukkit servers ..i could be wrong... but this should have been brought to and mod or admin through a pm instead of posting it on the forums and bringin it to everones attention cause you know even though its not aloud people will still do it and lagg the **** out the server....just my 2 cents : )

Noobstown General / Re: im in!! o wait no im not
« on: 26 Jul 2011, 03:31:00 »
i just got in from work....sounds like its been down all day didnt know that............i meen i knew it was down but.......i wish there was something i could do to kid will be in bed in about an hour ill be rdy to get my mine on : )

Noobstown General / Re: im in!! o wait no im not
« on: 26 Jul 2011, 03:16:53 »
im just waiting on the announement towny ate the universe.....jk

Noobstown General / Re: im in!! o wait no im not
« on: 26 Jul 2011, 03:04:57 »
i smell a version 5 lol

Noobstown General / Re: im in!! o wait no im not
« on: 26 Jul 2011, 03:02:03 »
ok so every so often i try and see if the server is up and just now i got in for about 30 seconds i spawned into nothingness and had no items.....mabe i wasnt in long enough for anything to load/no chat no people mabe it was a dumb luck just a scary feeling lol.....i know its down there doing stuff/fixing things i just thought it was odd that it let me in ...just wandering if this has happend to others..

Noobstown General / possible cure for down time
« on: 24 Jul 2011, 06:50:45 »
ok just sitting here nuttin else to do and had an idea good or bad not sure...we could have a contest like world of the month or something..say like people that want to enter build a great starter world,,,,take like photos and post pictures save the world folder ....person/persons with the best world/worlds for that month will have there world as noobstown for like a day/weekend  or these worlds could be used for downtimes dont know just brain stormin : )

Server Announcements / Re: Update 2: As of now. . .
« on: 24 Jul 2011, 06:08:12 »
ummmmm 300 mining i think i had that like in version 2... lost my first town in version 2 also so i know your pain lol..i would guess my mining should be like 800-900 at least if you added it all up and im sure others that have been here a while know what your going through.....what you going to do with 500,000 noobs build a clubhouse lol will start with nothing and like it sir.....sorry another joke not to make light of your pain/misfortune...but in all seriousness if you start a new world wouldnt you want to start a new economy fresh skills fresh.....dont get me wrong id love to have the town of fairborn back and my skillz all beffed up to 500 + and 100k in the bank so id never have to mine again....but now i gave all that up i enjoy exploring more surface mining a fresh world is sweet i see more things people build have more fun and i can laugh when people freak out that they lost everything because ive been through it as many know joe could say its to much hassle and work to keep noobs/money in the game . then we would all be in the ditch diggin our own goodies lol

Noobstown General / im in!! o wait no im not
« on: 24 Jul 2011, 04:48:44 »
something other than i cant loggin thread....on average how many time do you try to connect to an hour ..........this thread is ment for entertainment.....if i put it in the wrong place sry : )
ok .ok. ill go first ima say 3-5 times an hour on average today  im addicted i know : )

Server Announcements / Re: Update 2: As of now. . .
« on: 24 Jul 2011, 04:14:42 »
if i can help ill tell you the best way to avoid being bummed about a reset like this....this helped for me as iv been through um i think this is the 4th reset and im not a vip so ive never gotten nuttin back....give up on being a town owner its a lota freakin work most the time the server will reset bought the time you get it going good anyways....use what you mine wood and stone can be beautiful and blends well with the massive monuments or things in the wild...the way i look at it whatever you build will be griefed at some point if its griefed to bad they can allways do a rollback...another option is buying a plot in a town if you feel this will keep your stuff any safer usually dont lol.....i think the shop is priced about right and 10k a day is easy not trollin or complaining thats just the way it goes to remember this game is beta plus were shoving mods and plugins in least the vip's will most likley get there stuff from donations joes been prety loyal about that from what i read...have fun with the game make new friends build awasome things...remeber a sand castle is wiped away every day doent make it less beautiful or cool.....all i need is a torch an axe and some food i live off the land  : )

Server Announcements / Re: Update
« on: 23 Jul 2011, 21:01:46 »
thanks for the reply : ) and when you say dedicated box are you refering to a home computer/the machine thats running the sorry im just love to be able to help ...what is your current setup as in the machine that runs the game/world i guess it would trying not to be confusing and i know your gettin it taken care much memory is the current machine allocating to java?never know till ya ask i allways say....great server btw sent 20 to my papal to day ill make a donation first of next week when it clears im sure every lil bit will help keep the server alive : )

Server Announcements / Re: Update
« on: 23 Jul 2011, 18:50:56 »
what exactly is a dedicated box? and how would it improve the server? sorry im not the most knowldgeable about server the problems were having server related or plugin issues?no hurry just wandering : )

Noobstown General / Re: Rail System v4
« on: 22 Jul 2011, 23:26:11 »
i will have to start makin maps and figure out where most people/towns are located its tuff trying to figure out whats some ones 1 night shack and whats some ones wilderness perm home people get ****y if you get to close some are happy its close to them i see both sides...if i get to close(i try not to unless someone requests it) or i allways ask if i can build near(if i can find the owner of the home/land...i try to keep it straight and clean as possible...if for some odd reason the rail happen to go across something that someone was going to build on just plant a sign telling me how far and what way to go to get to you or how far to go around...this is an expensive adventure especially when i start laying tracks and glowstone...iv abandoned the idea of reviving the town of fairborn for now to work on the rail..i truely believe that it would be neat for shops that are out of the way and as another said great way to see other homes and things people built..heck build your home around the rail if you like..front door service to the rail would be neat : ) would greatly appriciate more comments and help as this will be for everybody to use for free..i want everyone to enjoy the rail and our new world  : )

Noobstown General / Re: Rail System v4
« on: 22 Jul 2011, 04:06:26 »
ooo it was definatly griefed...daily lol it was put in the air instead of a road cause i knew i couldnt protect it all and was bout impossible to keep lights on....everyone kept takin them lol and bout the time i finally conected it all in a big circle and got all the tracks laid  it was anounced v4  so i figured id not waste no more time on it....i liked it in the sky because it allowed me to keep the tracks straight as possible without having to get to close or interfear with peoples homes and such.....the track was slow it had about 1/3 the powerd rails it should have had..not to mention i funded this big project by myself built probly 95 % angel lord donated some track ( thank you so much)...the plans were grander big loop first then mabe have those that wanted continue to the homes or shops the track was supposed to have glowstone along it and be covered for protection but like i said after version 4 was anounced i gave up after greifers robbed my chests and kept messin with the much for me to protect myself....for the most part being an unwhitelisted server hard to watch everyone...least they didnt burn it all up lol...anywho thanks for the input guys guess ill have to wait till i see the world to decied or find some people willing to sponcer another

Server Announcements / Re: V4 IS HERE!
« on: 20 Jul 2011, 23:37:47 »
cant wait...cant believe ive seen all 4 V's this is whitlist server now right joe?   <<<happy mining/building>>>

Noobstown General / Rail System v4
« on: 20 Jul 2011, 23:29:46 »
dont know how many got a chance to use the rail system i had started....greifers kept me busy : ) i tried to keep it from running to close to anyone.. if i got a lil close i apologise. 80 % was back tward the wilderness and helps at night and would be awasome for shops..anyhoo guess my point is would more people prefer there not be a rail or the rails a good idea?or am i missing something..does v4 allready have a system?welcome any feedback good or bad.....

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