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Messages - ihavedna

Pages: [1]
IGN: ihavedna
Age: 27
Town you were apart of in V5? If no town, please say 'no town previously': I was a part of EmperorMyrf's town a couple of years ago I think?
Why do you want to become a resident of Windermere?: I'd like a nice place to build a house and keep my stuff.
How long have you been a member of Noobscraft?: I dunno, awhile! I just came back.

Noobstown General / hard drive died
« on: 18 Feb 2012, 14:17:43 »
Hey dudes,

looks like the hard drive on my old pc I was using kicked the bucket. dunno when i will be back but I have had fun :) see ya sometime!


fistofmetal, who does not use the forums, has a time zone issue with the Empire assists and Myrf but would like to join empire. Since the commands have changed he cannot be added if he is not online.

Since the Empire assists are seeming to ignore my request to help me by remembering to add fistofmetal if they see him online and I am not, as he probably doesn't know who they are, I am placing this here in hopes that someone would be ever so kind as to help their fellow player.

Thanks for whoever is willing to help. Yes I am a bit irritated, forgive me, I didn't think remembering to do this for someone when you're a town assist would be such a challenge.

<3 Pepper

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