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Topics - bukknuttie

Pages: [1]
Noobstown General / possible cure for down time
« on: 24 Jul 2011, 06:50:45 »
ok just sitting here nuttin else to do and had an idea good or bad not sure...we could have a contest like world of the month or something..say like people that want to enter build a great starter world,,,,take like photos and post pictures save the world folder ....person/persons with the best world/worlds for that month will have there world as noobstown for like a day/weekend  or these worlds could be used for downtimes dont know just brain stormin : )

Noobstown General / im in!! o wait no im not
« on: 24 Jul 2011, 04:48:44 »
something other than i cant loggin thread....on average how many time do you try to connect to an hour ..........this thread is ment for entertainment.....if i put it in the wrong place sry : )
ok .ok. ill go first ima say 3-5 times an hour on average today  im addicted i know : )

Noobstown General / Rail System v4
« on: 20 Jul 2011, 23:29:46 »
dont know how many got a chance to use the rail system i had started....greifers kept me busy : ) i tried to keep it from running to close to anyone.. if i got a lil close i apologise. 80 % was back tward the wilderness and helps at night and would be awasome for shops..anyhoo guess my point is would more people prefer there not be a rail or the rails a good idea?or am i missing something..does v4 allready have a system?welcome any feedback good or bad.....

Noobstown General / treasure chests....
« on: 8 Jun 2011, 03:27:31 »
ok guys/girls : ) just sittin thinkin if it were to be a good idea if joe would add some treasure chests to the game ...i know  i know they got chests in crypts but a peice of wheat a bucket and a few gunpowder seem hardly worthy of a chest lol  say if mabe joe spent an hour hiding chest on the map with some real treasure in it......i think people would explore and mine more...i know i would if there were chest out there filled with diamonds or nice tools and armor something other than nice if you could put money in them but think thats not possible....idk just sittin here brain storming while there still workin on the new never know till ya ask  : )

ok i got to chime in on this server.......i love this server.....people are great....its fun......but Omg!!!! are you serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another reset.....ive put alot of time and so has many others..i know this is beta and joe is tryin his best to establish a cool server...bottom line im mad..i know its nobodies fault..its just a game but ive lost everything so many times all money all my time and items for nothing.......i know your trying blame is put on you......but dammm come on people that owned a town should at least get 100k to start again especially since they put in soooo much time and the fact that you basicaly nerfed any way to make any money...i understand your trying to establish a better economy.........................but whats the sence of working twice or 10 times as hard to get money only to have the server reset every couple weeks it dont make sence.....again im not blaming joe or anyone im just mad that ive wasted so much time as im sure others not a donator if i had it i would (i got 4 kids) they take all my money lol....and i know some were reinbersed for there towns last just hopeing you do the right thing joe and at least give town owners 100k to start otherwise its just going to feel like a waste of time to even play on the server..........please....i beg you.....have mercy on our souls

Suggestions & Ideas / tesla coil!
« on: 17 May 2011, 21:40:52 »
ive been trying out this mod also......this one is awasome for building security...just stack 3 iron blocks and power them any living thing will be struck but lighning.. great for keeping bad guys away at night while your working on your wilderness home : )

Suggestions & Ideas / pistons!
« on: 17 May 2011, 21:31:24 »
ive been tryin this out on my server seems to work great and you can select the block you want to be the piston block(well the admin can)  in the config file.....

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