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Topics - Bad0men

Pages: [1]
Considering the server focuses pretty heavily on on the aesthetics of what minecraft has to offer, since the main focus (from what i've seen) is to create large, pleasantly structured towns, it'd make sense to have a MOD that allows a little more customisation than what minecraft provides by default.

Redpower is a mod that not only expands on the powers of redstone, allowing for more complex machines within the game, but there is also the function of a new tool, called "saws" which allow you to basically cut down blocks.

With this you can feasibly cut down blocks, such as lapis, into smaller blocks to add embellishment to a structure, which is a little difficult with it right now since lapis is so chunky. You're able to create what is basically a glass panel out of any material, allowing you to create canopies, secret compartments, or you have the ability to hide wiring within or outside your home.

I'll provide a link for people to look through the mod, it's quite extensive. The saws and their recipes are under the "recipes" part of the RedPower wiring post. (Redpower wiring would be the Mod to include saws into the server)

Overall i think this Mod would be fantastic if included in the server, as i often find myself wishing i had a smaller block for finer details, and i think towns would benefit hugely.

Link (As far as i know there isn't a 1.1 yet)

New? / 3 Days late, but here it is!
« on: 13 Jan 2012, 16:06:27 »
Hi there server, may have seen me around the last few days building here and there. All i really want to say is the server seems brilliant so far and it's nice to meet you all!

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