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Topics - bluespiked

Pages: [1]
Support / Token Issues
« on: 19 Sep 2013, 16:47:01 »

I seem to have a bit of an issue with my tokens. I had a mcmmo overall skill level exceeding skill level 1000, however I only have around 1300 tokens in my account when I click on the "V6 Tokens" page. Is this a bug? Have the mcmmo tokens not been added?



Towns & Nations / FairPine - Future V6 Town!
« on: 10 Sep 2013, 19:56:15 »

*~Fair Pine Town~*

Version Six of Noobstown has the opportunity to bring fresh starts, new friendships and the construction of multiple happy communities across a highly a professional, incredible and absolutely awesome landscape of Noobstown. This is why I am proud to present to you the town of FairPine! FairPine hopes to follow along with Version Six and help create a enjoyable experience for you and many others during the hopeful many moons of Version Six and beyond!

FairPine hopes to include the following facilities and features to you in the town:

-Wheat, Potato, Carrot, Sugarcane, Netherwart, Melon, Pumpkin, Cacti, Tree & Mushroom farms!
-A large fishing pond complete with individual fishing posts to ensure a peaceful and private fishing sessions!
-A range of animal spawners to keep you stocked up with food and resources to fuel your adventures across the vast land!
-Simple and effective mob grinders, allowing you to enchant the most magnificent tools!
-A relaxed and controlled marketplace, exclusive to residents of the town of FairPine!
-A spacious yet grand community plaza, with the opportunity to play host to some of the most enjoyable events!
-Brewing, Repairing and enchanting stations.
-Frequently updated notice boards (allowing both admin and resident to post on) which will help keep our valued residents up to date!

FairPine will not only offer these fantastic and well maintained facilities but hopefully play host to a little more, to make your experience within FairPine more pleasurable:

-Planned Inter-Town competitions and events!
-Seasonal and Special Events that will be open to the whole of Noobstown!
-Bonuses for residents who do a little bit extra to help improve FairPine & improve the overall experience of FairPine!
-Planned Community Construction Events to help create enjoyable and memorable moments for you and your friends!
-Skill Path, Building & Hunting competitions!
-The constant opportunity to become a member of the FairPine town staff!

To maintain a functional, efficient, friendly and sustainable community FairPine requires fairly strict rules and conditions for residency within the town.
*~FairPine Town Rules~*
1.   You must follow and obey all official Noobstown rules as all Noobstown rules apply in the town of FairPine.
2.   Unless suitable rank/permissions have been given do not interfere with the FairPine architecture & layout.
3.   Respect every resident and staff member around the town.
4.   Do not contact any staff member, unless clearly identified, asking about any town ranks or permissions.
5.   Replant all Town facilities once used.
6.   You must have level 50 or above in at least 4 skill paths.
7.   I agree to the FairPine Plot Code.

When becoming a resident of the town and taking on the responsibility of owning a plot you agree to follow the FairPine Plot Code.
*~FairPine Plot Code~*
1.   Plot sizes will not exceed 16x16 unless permitted by FairPine Town Staff.
2.   As the plot owner I will not become inactive for more than 3 weeks, without sufficiently contacting a FairPine staff member and being approved.
3.   No excessive mining will take place on a plot.
4.   No obscene or inappropriate building will take place on my plot.
5.   As the plot owner I will take responsibility of any activity on my plot, regardless weather I completed the activity or another person did.
6.   If in doubt of any activity on my plot I will contact a FairPine staff member immediately.

*~FairPine Zones~*
FairPine hopes to simplify your experience in the town by selecting certain areas to become zones. These zones will go by a specific name and will hopefully allow you to navigate the town with ease. Some of FairPines zones include:
-Plaza zone – This zone will consist of the FairPine spawn building, plaza and pathways leading to other zones.
-Resource Zone – This zone will consist of all facilities that FairPine will offer.
-Economy Zone – This zone will consist of the FairPine marketplace.
-Residential Zone – This zone will consist of the FairPine plots.
-Adventure Zone – This zone will consist of fun activities or specific areas aimed at making FairPine an enjoyable place. This zone will contain features such as fishing areas, public piers and architecture competition areas.

FairPine encourages complete creative and sensible behaviour as a result FairPine will be on the lookout constantly to hopefully gain successful and creative builders that will join our strong team! So if you think you are up to the job please feel free to contact bluespiked (Mayor Of FairPine) as soon as possible with your application!
So I’d like to finish on this note:

“Weather you plan to venture into the unknown, tackle the strongest & fiercest monsters, compete against other players for total victory, travel the wilderness or become an economic king FairPine will be with you all the way!”

Side Note:
 The above information could be changed at any moment including; planned features, staff and actual town name etc.
 The town will eventually have a fully functioning website - this may take some planning and will not be live until at least a month of town creation.
Please feel free to post any questions on our ambitious plans ahead.
Thread Update:
- Added bluespiked zombie image.
- Changed the town from being a clam community to a calm community. Sorry members of the ocean.
- Gosh! How many grammar errors did I have it that? And shamefully... still do.
- Complete Revamp of thread.

Suggestions & Ideas / Our Log Time!
« on: 9 Sep 2013, 19:43:43 »
Hey all!

After discussion in-world and inspiration from the awesome top 100 active list - I feel that a feature that could possibly be implemented for Version 6 would player log time? I understand fully that we do have site statistics showing the top 10 players play time and we do have the option to issue the /player command but how about for any player anywhere to see how long they have played online in the server, not just the days since they joined?

Hope you can contribute your input and any refined versions of the idea.

Many Thanks

-blue :-)

Support / Mining world reset!
« on: 3 Nov 2012, 21:43:51 »
Heya all,

I was just curious why hasn't the mining world reset yet? I've seen a few people ask around, but I have currently not seen a definite answer. Could an Admin/Mod possibly give an explanation? *Sorry if there is another topic like this open, but the search thingy is currently not working due to high stress*

Thanks, all help appreciated

-Blue :)

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