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Topics - harley504

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Ideas / 2x MCMMO Xp idea + other ideas!
« on: 27 Feb 2016, 23:41:19 »
Hello, i think when you go to buy 2x mcmmo xp if you buy lets say 5 2x xp packages, it should stay on for 10 hours straight..

Also should have the ability for 4x mcmmo xp for $10-$20 for two hours
or 4x xp for an hour for like $5 ish or so im not sure :p but something along that price range would be nice

Also id like the ability to turn on 2x mcmmo xp for life (for your character only) for like $15-$30 dollars
And ability to turn on 4X MCMMO XP for life (for your character only) for $45-$60

so if you buy lifetime 2x or 4x mcmmo xp when ever someone activates 2x or 4x xp for two hours it stacks so you will have 4x-8x xp :)

So pretty much this is what i would like to see :)

Double xp for a week on sever for everyone $100
4x mcmmo xp for two hours $10-$15
4x mcmmo xp for an hour $5-$10
2x mcmmo xp for LIFE (your character/account only) $20-$30
4x mcmmo xp for LIFE (your character/account only) $30-$60
*NEW* ability to enable 2x money earned for life for $50

NOTE: price ranges are there to show you what i think a reasonable price range is for the item/package

Thanks for taking your time to read my ideas! and tell me what you guys think.
feel free to change things up in the comments :)

i feel as if these ideas would make the people of noobstown happy and be able to make the server more money!

The prices may seem a little high, but you got to realize 4x xp for an hour or two or life is allot

Other / I'm back!
« on: 27 Nov 2013, 18:14:37 »
I'm back guys :D

Suggestions & Ideas / Buying Diamonds in VIP spawn
« on: 10 Jul 2013, 11:20:30 »
Earlier today I was walking around VIP spawn and saw that to buy 1 diamond it cost 400 nubs!
 I do understand that since its an Adminshop that there is an unlimited supply (I think) But 400 for 1? that's a little bit outrages. I would buy them if they were between 200-275 (average price of a diamond)

 But then I walked back to the Entrance And it says 'cheaper items and sell then for more than the global shop' I guess the prices have fluctuated drastically Could this price be changed? For the end of v5 or for future uses in v6? any other VIP's or retired VIP's agree?

Suggestions & Ideas / New commands for donating?
« on: 2 Jun 2013, 19:07:43 »
Well as of right now the point shop is closed but... what if you could buy commands like? /hat or be able to buy IGN colors or colored text. or any other ideas? :P

Suggestions & Ideas / Should the poo* word be blocked?
« on: 10 Apr 2013, 01:09:01 »
Hello, well I just found out a few days ago that the poo* word was blocked and I think its not nessecary to be blocked I understand you want the chat to be clean but come on now?

Market Place / Buying Large Quantities of Dyes
« on: 8 Apr 2013, 02:21:19 »
As some people may know tidal and I and a few others are setting up a server celebration with fireworks! But we need allot of dyes and I am interested in buying large Quantities of dyes. anyone selling them :)? Pm if you are selling them! or talk to me in-game. I

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