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Topics - deathmachine487

Pages: [1]
New? / What'd I miss?
« on: 19 Feb 2014, 23:19:07 »
Yeah. Decided to come back, for anyone who recognizes me.
However, I won't be on as much as I did, as schoolwork has gotten pretty tough.
Anyways. Hopefully I see some of you on the server.
And hopefully Pirate's Cove is restarting.
Signing off.


Other / Combine-a-Name, the Forum Game
« on: 8 Sep 2013, 21:36:29 »
Basically you just link your name with the person above yours, example if Foob was above my post (I wish) I would put something like FatMachine487.

So lets get combining.

Pictures / Mine-imator- A Minecraft Animator and Scene Maker
« on: 12 Jul 2013, 22:02:06 »
There's this one cool software I found on the Internet called Mine-imator, and I found you can make all these 3D Scenes with it, as well as animating! Here are a few of my products:

Other / Forum Fun: Story Spinning
« on: 2 Apr 2013, 01:35:16 »
Since I was so bored, I thought of a challenge. Basically, we create a story by having everyone post sentence by sentence. The challenging part? The story is about a sentient toaster in the future. Good luck. I begin.

In the year 2550, old pieces of technology had minds of their own.

Suggestions & Ideas / Capture The Flag?
« on: 11 Feb 2013, 22:01:47 »
I've been starting to play PVP nowadays, and I love the capture the flag games. What if we added that to events world? Even though I'm terrible at PVP (I lost to a guy with a gold sword... I had diamond. RAGEQUIT.) I would love to have this on Noobscraft.


Suggestions & Ideas / Pigs with Saddles
« on: 24 Jan 2013, 21:29:13 »
Hey guys,
The other day in Noobscraft I decided to get myself a pig, considering no one from Pirates' Cove was on, so I did the regular stuff, and used up 20 gold at the villager market for the saddle. When I parked him in my house, I went off, and when I came back on, I remembered... Mobs get cleared. :'(
My suggestion:
Is it possible for certain mobs to not get cleared? I would like to have my trusty steed alive.


Suggestions & Ideas / Skyblock, Anyone?
« on: 29 Nov 2012, 12:28:03 »
Hey guys, do you think we should have a Skyblock plugin on Noobscraft?
It could give us a break from regular survival and also it helps kill time by just expanding your Skyblock. I’ve played other servers before (all I can play now is Noobscraft) and saw pretty neat plugins for it. Post some Skyblock plugins you know of or just give feedback.

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