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Topics - strong_nuklear

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Ideas / MCMMO 2x Exp Events
« on: 22 Jun 2014, 21:27:38 »
I've been informed that in the newer version of Noobscraft, MCMMO abilities level up much slower then what they used to, so I propose this. Every so often (couple weekends or holidays) the server hosts 2x exp to help players get their skills up. This would encourage people to come on more, if they were deterred from the server for this reason. They may even donate more for the promise that this will continue, or happen more frequently. That's what I propose, to help the server.

Pictures / Welcome to what I like to call, "Rave mode"
« on: 3 Nov 2013, 01:42:04 »
Ever wanted to have a Rave in MINECRAFT? I know I have, and now you can with the "Super Secret Settings". Here are some pics of it.

Guides / Images for Signatures?
« on: 21 Oct 2013, 21:51:18 »
Recently I made myself an OK image for a signature and I was wondering how to set it. So, if anyone wants to help, you better do it before I find you and force you to help *grumble grumble*.

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