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Topics - _Tan_

Pages: [1]
Support / help help, im stuck. cant type a thing to get out
« on: 18 Jul 2014, 21:07:32 »
HELP. im stuck in a block and cant tp out or move out. someone thats a mod tp so they can presss da button and free meee. :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O

Other / One sentence story... Forum game!
« on: 1 Jul 2014, 23:10:06 »
The point of the game is each person writes a sentence (one sentence per post) and later on, it'll create a story!

One sentence per post
No inappropriate words or phrases
Story will stop on 7/20/14

I'll start.

There once was a man named Chuck.

Other / Question: v6 going on v7
« on: 1 Jul 2014, 21:27:48 »
Whenever noobstown goes to v7 or whatever it's called, what will happen? Will every1 have to start from the beginning? :/

Pages: [1]