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Topics - MegaSniperB

Pages: [1]
This suggestion if for the noobstown site.

It would allow users to use there RSS client to get uptodate news about the server straight to there phone or computer.

While the front page would be a necessity it would also be nice to be able to do it on all the subpages as well.

Thank you for your consideration,

Suggestions & Ideas / Trade Chat
« on: 26 Feb 2014, 04:51:09 »
Basically a chat channel for trading.  This way you can offer up that new enchanted book, or pick and only be sending the message to the people interested in buying the goods.  I feel this would remove the spam that occurs in the global chat and make the global chat a more focus and relative chat channel to be apart of.

Suggestions & Ideas / [Plugin] MobCatcher
« on: 6 Apr 2012, 07:30:17 »

This is a very neat plugin that I found on Bukkit.Dev, I saw EmperorMyrf post about spawning eggs so here it is.

MobCatcher allows players to capture mobs and get the corresponding spawn eggs. This is useful for trading and transporting mobs from player to player or even across worlds. As well as having a configurable capture item, MobCatcher also boasts configurable mob types and item costs per capture, bringing a new economic value to mob types both peaceful and hostile. MobCatcher is able to store and recall mob specific data saved to specific spawn eggs. This means things like capturing and spawning colored sheep, baby animals, and tamed wolves is possible! This is done via a separate .dat file which saves data for each mob and removes it when that mob is spawned.Try it out on your server today!

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