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Topics - llamalover224466

Pages: [1]
News / Happy Father's Day
« on: 19 Jun 2016, 15:33:03 »
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, hope you all have a great day.

Noobstown General / Vacation
« on: 1 Jun 2016, 17:46:25 »
I am going to Italy for the next 2 weeks so I will sadly not be able to play on noobstown :'(.If there are any questions on Foxton please ask either AJ_Andy or KingArgo. See you soon. If anyone has a question for me I will check my online messages periodically. Cya all later.

Llama Out.

Support / Stuck in a block (again)
« on: 2 May 2016, 20:52:20 »
Hey everyone. Just need some help getting out of a block, if you could msg a mod or tp me out that would be great. Thanks llama.

Towns & Nations / Mayorship Of Foxton
« on: 25 Apr 2016, 01:19:43 »
Just wanted to announce that I will be the new mayor of the town of Foxton and that we are still looking for builders, assistants and embassy owners. Message me in game or reply if you are interested in any of these.

Support / Stuck in a Wall
« on: 18 Mar 2016, 17:02:10 »
Please help me I am trapped in a block in the mining world.

Market Place / Master Builder Needed
« on: 15 Dec 2015, 23:18:35 »
Hello, I am building a mansion in the wild and since I myself cannot build I need a builder. Im not picky about the style of house and would pay as much as needed for the building. Either mail me on the server, /msg me on noobs or send me a message on the forums about applying for the job.

Thanks Llama

Support / Stuck in A Wall
« on: 9 Oct 2015, 21:43:50 »
Hello , I have encountered a small problem and need help. I am stuck partially in a wall when I log on and cannot call for help since I unable to open chat. Please respond so I know a time I can log on when someone will be able to tp me out.

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