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Topics - hchambers

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Ideas / Trial of the Ocelot
« on: 8 Mar 2012, 14:57:59 »
Since Ocelots from the jungle biome in the mining world seem to not be able to traverse whole worlds, I've come up with an idea that can introduce ocelots into the server without them coming at a premium or a free handout.

You make an acrobatics course or complex maze that players complete to then enter a room with an ocelot spawner. They are only allowed to tame 1 per trial, and 2 ocelots is the cap per player. this will then make the players dependent on themselves to breed their own cats.
Vip commands will be disabled in this are to prevent cheating.

Suggestions & Ideas / Gifting VIP / Points
« on: 17 Feb 2012, 17:04:27 »
Any thoughts? I would like this to become a feature.

Noobstown General / Sorcery, what is it.
« on: 11 Feb 2012, 02:50:47 »
You can probably tell what this thread is about.
What is sorcery? Why did it appear in the v5 trailer?
Is it a plugin? is it something we will see in noobstown in the future?
Ive asked fatnoob and many mods in bits and pieces but i can never get a definite answer on what it is,
 and if it will even become a part of noobstown.

Mods and admins, feel free to finally unveil the mystery behind it.

Music / Drum & Bass thread
« on: 11 Feb 2012, 02:36:03 »
I think so. Post whatever dnb you like / are listening to right now.
Dnbstep videos can also go in here.

Suggestions & Ideas / Nations forum board?
« on: 9 Feb 2012, 18:06:20 »
In addition to a towns forum board with town ads and town updates and projects, i believe we should have a nation board for nations to put up their advertisements, goals, town recruitment and benefits up written and accessible at all times.

(After you vote, do make a reply about what the next caps should be, or elaborate in any other way you see fit)

NoobsTown v5 has been out for almost two months now, and already various towns are starting to reach the final Size capacity (448). I believe Fatnoob said that this will be the final map for as long as we can help it, so for an indefinite amount of time. Many Mayors are ambitious about where they see their towns in the many months, and hopefully years to come, will be. Since the consensus of players has already established they would rather have a small amount of towns that are well populated and large, rather than everybody and their dog owning a town that has a population of maybe ten (this is why the town pricing is relatively high) I believe that we may find it necessary to increase size capacities. Here are a few reasons why (any that I miss will hopefully brought up in the comments)

a. Most of the Main towns that have transcended the various incarnations of Noobstown (Like Forthwind, Kochirakoso, Mapleforge, Empire and The Black Forest) and many v5 unique towns have reached or are nigh at the pinnacle of expansion. They are full of various communities of builders, farmers, miners, et cetera. The problem comes at the fact we are only 2 months into this incarnation, and we are already at this point. Therefore, many may see it isn't a
far-fetched claim to say a few towns might desire a little more space

b. We are growing, and i mean really growing. In less than a month we doubled our previous registered members on the site, and a good bit of those numbers are correlating into regulars on the server. So, as the rate of new people becomes higher and the rate of town expansion slows to a stop, It's going to get crowded. (think of all the space that goes into cosmetic areas of the town and attractions, then think of whats left for actual residency)

c. If we stay the way we are, as many towns reach cap new towns will HAVE to be built to keep up. This means we will run into the same Piles of Piles of towns we had in previous versions.

d. The size cap is impeding on towns expansion, safety, and overall creativity. People have told me about how they have unclaimed paths in towns so they can have more space for residency or Necessary improvement. This means that these paths or other unclaimed areas will be open to griefing and modification by outsiders. People are literally giving up structural integrity for the sake of some extra land

e. Towns are well spaced out, capacity could increase to 1000's of chunks extra and you would most likely never bump into another towns border (unless they purposefully built it next to you, in which case agreements could be struck out) Meaning that on the grand live map every great down is dwarfed by the blocks and blocks of space stretching out in all directions. Space that cannot be harnessed for creativity.

I could list the endless benefits that an expansion could bring to noobstown, but i'd prefer others to reply and integrate their thoughts. My best hope is that this at least reaches attention and will be open to future consideration.

Suggestions & Ideas / Re-Implement funny death notices
« on: 24 Dec 2011, 08:00:03 »
One thing i miss about the v4 server are the death notices that appeared when people died
 (i believe it is using the plugin heroic death)
a couple of these were
"x forgot how to stop drop and roll" (fire death)
"x swam in a lake of fire" (lava death)
"x hugged a creeper" (self explanatory)

Anyways, i was thinking in this thread we could ask for new death notices to be implemented because they always add a bit of laugh ability to deaths, and also players could suggest new ideas for death notices in this thread
for example:
"x did something completely different" (explosive death)
"x didn't believe he could fly" (falling death)
"x tried to drink the ocean" (drowning)
"x was ended" (endermen death)
"x swallowed gravel" (suffocation)

If you have ideas for new death notices / saw funny ones from other servers do post them. Also i'd like to see what the mods/admins think about this.
Thanks, and i look forward to possibly seeing some humor added to my demise.

But i can't seem to use it right now. Does anyone know whats going on? Im getting a total lack of information and I have no idea whats going on, the temp server isn't working and I'm not whitelisted on the main.

Towns & Nations / The Black Forest in v5
« on: 26 Nov 2011, 01:00:52 »
The highly successful v4 town The Black Forest is making a comeback in v5. And the changes made in 1.9 and the subsequent 1.0 are a game-changer for the way we made towns in the past, and redefines the parameters of what is possible. In order to avoid a text-wall I'll break down the design, concept and revamps for you

Town Layout & Design
In v4 our #1 problem was space proportioning, Eventually things get out of hand and a town gets crowded, so in order to avoid this we are building districts.
The districts are as follows.
(Feel Free to read individual sections based on your interests, and skip others if your in a hurry)

* The Masonry and Mining District
This district is the center for architecture and mining, Those who would like to specialize in these areas can build an (on theme) house here.
*The town mine will be located here as well as shops for people who want to sell/trade redstone circuitry services, building services, or mining services.
*Public tool dispensers will be available and are restocked by the income of the town.
*Those who stand out in these areas may be asked/hired by town managers to help in public building projects.

* The Agricultural District
This district is the center for ranching and farming, If you have been with us in the past you know these are some of the highest paying and useful areas to be in here in The Black Forest and in Noobstown
*Public farms and ranches are as always available and operate under the harvest and replant rule. (in the case of items like wheat which drops additional seeds, it is considered a courtesy to put some of these back in the provided chest)
*Donating some of your farmed items from public crops is as always optional, and the donated items will go towards future town projects. (excess sugarcane for library, wheat for public ranches, wheat seeds for replanting if trampled, or vendored to buy building supplies etc.) What goes around comes around.
*Players Who wish to live in this area will have to build a home according to theme and will have the option to be designated as official town farmers.

* The Alchemical District
Ready to get your Equivalent Exchange and Transmutation on? This might just be your district.
*Public Brew stands and enchanting tables are made available here, as well as a direct portal to the nether where we will house a nether-wart farm (Harvest and replant mandatory)
*Public potion dispensers and glass bottle dispensers are available and restocked by the generosity of alchemists and town income.
*If you would like to build a house in this district, just make sure its on theme, and you will also be given the option to become a state-official alchemist and sell some of your potions to the government and military.

* The Residential District
Not looking to specialize? This is for you
*Public facilities, dining and attraction will all be made available here, as well as buyable land and the option to contract a town mason to build your home.

Rules and Rights
*As a citizen you are entitled the right to buy land and use all that is made available to city
*As a citizen you will respect and honor your fellow residents, meaning you will not grief another persons house, ask for permission to enter their house, respect rules on public facilities, and maintain a courteous and considerate attitude
*If a dispute between two or more citizens forms, Try to get a town assistant as soon as possible. The Appropriate action will be made to settle it, and this will prevent town violence
*If war takes place and we must form a military, It is and will remain completely optional to join
*If anything at all is upsetting you, ask or tell a town assistant or manager and we will see what we can do for you
*If you ever decide to leave the town, you are given 2 whole (real life) days to move your house and your possessions, if you require assistance we will even aid you in the moving process.
the code is: the white forest
Now that thats over, If you would like to reserve your residence in the continuation of one of the greatest towns noobstown has ever known, Just tell us why you want to join, and if you have already made your mind up tell us which district you would like to live in.

Thanks everyone - Hchambers, town assistant of The Black Forest

I believe that auction spamming is more or less starting to become an issue. For the nth time tonight I have seen Bids going on for as long as 5 minutes at sky-high prices and few of them did people actually bid on.

So these are my ideas on how to define auction spamming (auction griefing)

Definition: an auction spam/grief can be identified by a item being sold at a non viable price for an extended period of time (i.e. preventing other people from starting more reasonably priced auctions).

Further definition: The aforementioned auction is several times its shop worth or shop buyable components worth with no fixed person set on buying it. Meaning no-one is likely to buy it.

Appropriate action: Ask the bidder to lower the bid price or time (or both), if offense is repeated suspend auctioning privileges or other appropriate measures.

how i believe these rules will help the server: by keeping the server auction spam free and helping people who may have unintentionally made a bid too high without knowledge of the items true value. In order to keep the auction plugin a steady going, efficient and constant trading tool.

Suggestions & Ideas / My suggestions for the 1.8 update
« on: 2 Sep 2011, 13:54:42 »
In 1.8 we are gaining lots of cool new blocks and items to use. And while I know we wont be able to have ravines and strongholds and mineshafts and rivers on the map, I believe it would be nice if we could still acquire some of the new materials. I guess what im trying to say is since its impossible for us to acquire melons pumpkin seeds and stone bricks ( because we cant have strongholds) Mods should distribute these things around at the start so we can start growing them naturally, and stone bricks because they are a beautiful building material, so maybe give each town x amount or put them on shop.

Hello, i'm Hchambers, and let me tell you a story about the black-forest.
About a month ago I rejoined this server for v4 (being a previous resident of all versions) and sought to join a town, I was met by a great individual called Ninjajosh, who runs the town of Black Forest, it was small and could stand improvement, but it had a wonderful community and I was hopelessly attracted to it. I sought to improve its conditions and overtime we built 3 (now 6) different and thriving districts.


And thats just the beggining

We started building in the skys and deep in the earth. Reworking the natural biome into a thing of beauty. We now seek people to inhabit all of these vast and expansive biomes. Better still is that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Joining is absolutely free and your cost of living is covered. Meaning that you can stay as long as you like and soak in the surroundings of our masterpiece.

We appeal to several different types of gamers as well.

The architect:
* If you come with us for a great idea for the city or need help on your own project we can help. If you come genuinely seeking to change the world of noobscraft for better and not just our town we will NEVER turn you down.

The miner:
*If you come seeking wealth in the prospect of earthen material we cater to your needs with expansive and complex mining pathways. we allow you to develop your own mining strategies as well as using our own stripmining formula.

The farmer:
*Some of our farms are so expansive by the time you harvest and rework the material its ready to be harvested again. We also Grant huge bonuses to people who build new farms and farmers ALWAYS have a huge place in our society

The entrepreneur:
* we are actively seeking people to help organize and better our town, this is because we have started a whole NEW SECTION of land on which we will build ANOTHER SET of walls and effectively a different town. You can help us decide how we take advantage of it

NEW LAND OPPORTUNITIES ARISEN: In the new white forest we have tons of new land available for the claiming. Be a lasting influence on its development and design
The aptly named TL;DR section

The pros:
Almost assured profit
free stay
a warm and inviting community
a team of highly skilled people at almost every proffesion in the stats plugin
farms available to your public usage as well as attractions and entirely different settings
the freedom to change noobstown and OURtown as you ENVISION it.

The cons: absolutely nothing.

Please take advantage of this town and help us better noobstown and you.

Blackforest main district

Blackforest sky realm

Blackforest new district: The white forest

THE FARMS - The Black Forest is noobstowns agricultural leader, so why not show the proof?

The Vertical sugarcane mine (also known as The machine, And the vertical horizon)
This behemoth of a farm extends from ocean level to bedrock, by the time your done farming it it will have grown back again.

side view

downward view

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