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Messages - trungadung

Pages: [1]
Server Announcements / Re: Top Voters - May 2014
« on: 5 Jun 2014, 00:14:35 »
 I thought i was going to win, but gj guys!

Server Announcements / Re: April Top Voters!
« on: 31 May 2014, 05:05:11 »
We don't really  need to know the numbers of votes at all. Just vote everyday and earn on average 75k noobs a month.

Noobstown General / Re: How does one earn more Nbz?
« on: 31 May 2014, 03:07:31 »
I just ask for jobs and do `em for extra cash.

Market Place / Buying
« on: 27 May 2014, 00:03:41 »
 If this was already stated let me know. It would be nice for the /shop command to allow us to buy from it. A good reason, while mining your torches supply runs out, it would be nice to be able to buy torches and many more so we could not have to go back home and get more torches then having to return to your mining hole. I know there is auction, but you have to warp to auction which is like /home. Please look into this staff members. Thank You. :) :D ;)

Noobstown General / Jobs and Tasks
« on: 26 May 2014, 23:54:36 »
 I need a job, I need to earn money. Please hire me. I'll do almost any task but sell you items for extremely low price (like 500 a diamond which is actually 900+).

Server Announcements / Re: April Top Voters!
« on: 19 May 2014, 06:04:08 »

If I may suggest, could it be possible to add to this how many times these people have voted?
As slightly explained by AlbatrosX5 if you don't know how many votes people have been making/are making then you're more likely to vote to keep up with a chance of winning! As he explained it might get to a point where people would decide they've already won/are clearly going to win and may therefore stop voting; this isn't very beneficial to us. You should be voting to support to the server (and gain a chance to win a good prize) but the prize should just be a sideline. We therefore won't be announcing voting numbers any time soon.

You should show us how many times that they voted afterwards. So we can see how many times we or they voted, it would help to see on average how many times someone voted on average. This could add to the point where people will vote more to beat the a high score or a player's previous voting record. I would like to see the results of who voted more, not how much they have now. Thanks!

Server Announcements / Re: Open Beta!
« on: 9 Feb 2014, 18:32:41 »
IGN: Trungadung

Pages: [1]