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Messages - Mrmeegleh

Pages: [1]

 Username: Mrmeegleh

Age: 15

Timezone: PST

Why do you want to be a Prefect?: I would like to be a prefect because I have been playing this server since late 2013. I remember joining this server for the first time. I was instantly surprised by the fact of how welcoming the environment was there and how hard the staff must have worked to make this server the way it is today. I have always had a passion for caring for others and I feel like this server is a great place to show people who I am. This server has been good to me and I feel like it is right to give back to it.

Suggestions & Ideas / /Shop Update
« on: 17 Mar 2014, 00:49:34 »
I noticed that when you do /shop, it only pops up with basic items and no valuables besides diamonds. I think that the owners of this server should update the shop so that there are more valuable items like iron, gold, and just to give them a purpose lapis and redstone.

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