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Messages - TahuMasterOfFIAH

Pages: [1]
Server Announcements / Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« on: 16 Sep 2016, 21:36:46 »
As far as I know, buying 2xMCMMO for the whole server is not actually against the Commercial Guidelines, as specifically stated here, that YOU MAY:
* sell positive effects or enhancements (other than "Capes") IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way.

Just so everyone sees the relevant part, here it is:
    * ask for donations (as opposed to direct charges) IF you do not offer the individual donor something in exchange that only he or she can use. You may offer server wide rewards if donation goals are achieved though.
    * sell cosmetic items, except for "Capes", IF the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server - i.e there can be no "pay to win".
    *sell positive effects or enhancements (other than "Capes") IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way.
    provide in-game advertising opportunities, sponsorships, or product placement for 3rd parties IF they don't degrade or interfere with gameplay or give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server.
    * use in-game currencies IF (i) they are "soft currencies" i.e. a currency earned or expended only through gameplay that has no real world value and that cannot be cashed out, used or transferred across free or paid servers, or converted into "credits"; and (ii) you don't give the impression that it comes from or is associated with Mojang.

Suggestions & Ideas / Decorative armor stand shop
« on: 25 Jul 2016, 17:07:54 »
Hello there! Recently I had an idea regarding armor stands and their decorative uses.

There are many decoration ideas using small, invisible, and otherwise special Armor Stands that can't be obtained in survival. Now that there is going to be a Heads Shop with decorative custom heads, I suggest we have a similar thing for some armor stand structures (including both the stands and some blocks).

These could include for instance:
* Shelves
* Firepits ! No longer available
* Stuff laying on tables
* Other stuff ! No longer available
* More stuff
* Even more stuff
* And even more things, the possibilities are nearly endless!

Of course, there is a risk of them causing lag but me and my friends have a storage room with a ton of item frames and there is not that much lag.

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