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Messages - Duelcon

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Vlad's eh?  I'll have to see if I can locate that one and take a look at it.

Thank you, Fox Person :)  Misa does exceptional work with her texture pack.  Now if skuttles would update LB photo realism, we'd be in business. 

Noobstown General / Re: Which ores?
« on: 10 Aug 2012, 08:47:50 »
Ooo, thanks for the tip, notavailable666!  I didn't even think about the silk touch affecting double drops with the mining skill.  I'm still very new to this McMMO skills system.

Support / General Question and Information
« on: 10 Aug 2012, 08:43:22 »
I am aware of what griefing is and the consequences of said actions, but if a player accidentaly or unintentionally damages a standing building in the wilderness, can they:

A) repair the damage themselves without consequence
B) Ask in general who said structure belongs to and try to make amends
C) other

Also.  A common question I've heard from a friend and my wife:

"Are the griefing rules related to structures in place in the mining, ender, and nether worlds?"

Thank you for the information.  If there is another post or a form that explains these things in greater detail, I would certainly appreciate the link.  We enjoy this server and want to make sure we follow the rules and know how to make amends if an accident happens.

Something I needed to add:

Obviously morals and a 'play nice' attitude would go along with the Mining, Ender, and Nether worlds.  Players structures, farms, ect... should be left untouched or at least replenished if used.  I merely ask if there are set rules for such areas.

New? / Re: hello noobstown =^..^=
« on: 10 Aug 2012, 07:56:09 »
Good to have you around, Fox person.   I'm new myself, and have found this server to be very welcoming and quite patient with questions and curious folk.

Noobstown General / Re: Which ores?
« on: 10 Aug 2012, 07:24:28 »
My mining trips are like Easter egg hunts.  Whenever I find ore, I'm happy. 

Ooo, very exciting!  Be sure to post a link for everyone once you have it up and going.

Noobstown General / Re: Communication issues
« on: 10 Aug 2012, 07:00:05 »
Let me try and clarify for you, Beth.  The communication issue just means that the server your computer is trying to sync to isn't active and not responding,  Therefore, it's not communicating.   As far as a technical reason as to why the server stopped communicating, that is still up in the air.

So the server is down, and now's a good time to ask:

What's your favorite Texture pack and why?!

Personally, I've loved LB photo realism ever since I started minecraft, but due to skuttles not updating it, I've moved back to Misa's.  The realistic blend she has on her stone, as well as the marble look of endstone and Obsidian sell the pack for me.

Enough about me, what about you?

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