Noobstown Moving Forward  (Read 6386 times)

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Noobstown Moving Forward
« on: 11 Sep 2016, 18:27:11 »

As promised I'm going to outline several different areas of Noobstown and my plans for them moving forward now that Foob is taking a step back from his ownership and administration role. This is on top of the information outlined at This might not answer all of your questions moving forward so if you have any questions please just ask. I am also open to feedback about any of this, it doesn't have to be fixed in stone, so if you've got an opinion or idea feel free to put it forward.

Planned Updates
We're going to continue on with the existing plans for development, including name changing, the wilderness update, etc. The list of items available at hasn't changed, I will also continue to add to this as new ideas and plans come forward. I am obviously the only developer here and as such things won't be lightning fast, but I will be spending a large chunk of my time trying to work out updates to keep new things coming to Noobstown. The final few "Summer Updates" should be released this month, this includes:
  • Name Changing - This is the big one in the list, almost everything is now in place and a few players who have changed their name have already trialed this. There will be more information about how exactly this is going to work. As part of this there will have to be an update to how Chest Shops work (since they list your name currently :P), but this will be explained as it happens, and I'll give you all time to adjust accordingly.
  • Wilderness Updates - Things like the free chunks check commands, sponges in the wilderness, slime blocks with pistons and a number of bug fixes will be coming. As well as further adjustments to the pricing of chunks if you use Nbz to buy them.
  • Head Shop - This again will be coming, the specifics of pricing and which heads will be available just need to be determined and then this won't take long to implement. If you've got any suggestions, or have any specific decorative heads you would like to see please suggest them.
If you've got any specific questions about the updates themselves just ask them.

As you will likely have noticed the "Donate" messages and links on the server and site have been removed. Currently for now we will no longer be accepting donations in exchange for rewards as we previously did. The server costs are not that high and at the moment I can afford to fund things completely myself, however in the near future I might introduce a quick and simple 'donate button' to allow you to simply donate if you really want to, but again at the moment no rewards will be given in return. Some form of revised store for purchasing things and assisting with the funding of Noobstown will likely return in the future but for now you cannot donate in the same form as you used to be able to. The reason for this relates to old changes in to the Minecraft Commerical Guidelines and also in terms of the personal complications caused by taxation which would have to be paid on any purchases made. Anything already purchased is already yours so don't worry about losing things.

This does mean a few things:
  • There is and will no longer be any way to donate to get VIP or VIP+ through payments. All existing VIPs and VIP+s will keep the rank obviously but for now there will be no way to become a new one or to upgrade from VIP to VIP+. The perks of being VIP and VIP+ are going against the Minecraft commerical guidelines as such we will not be able to ever sell it in its current format again.
  • Those spawners which were previously for sale on the old store will be added to /spawners at an increased price compared with the other ones. These being available for purchase using real money is going again Minecraft's Commerical guidelines and as such we will not be able to sell them to fund the server in the future.
  • The purchase of additional Wilderness land or extra homes will no longer be possible. You can already earn Wilderness land for free just for playing anyway.
  • For now the option to purchase 2x mcMMO XP for the whole server will be unavailable. I have however been doing random periods of double XP at random times anyway, so if you're online you might be able to take part in some of those anyway.

As you are probably aware we've been quite lacking on the event front for the last few months, I do plan to change this though. As you have hopefully read Chunk of the Month has returned as the first step to improving. We'll be moving back to the more scheduled events with times and dates soon too. I'm planning to bring in some regular weekly/month recurring events, and I'm going to add a calendar/timetable feature on the site so you'll be able to look at days and see whether we've got anything special going on for that day. Keep an eye out for announcements about those soon.

The Staff Team
A few people have asked me if we're going to be getting new admins, and the simple answer at the moment is no :P. At the moment we aren't in direct need of such as large team as we don't have as many players at the moment. If things pick up again then I might look into expanding the team, but they aren't really needed at the moment.

As for the existing team; I'm very grateful for all of the help they provide, they're an often under-appreciated key part of Noobstown. As we need the moderation  team will expand :). They'll hopefully assist me in running the planned events which will be coming soon! You can find information about the current staff team at

Reduced Player Numbers
I just want to address a few people who have mentioned concern about the fact Noobstown doesn't get as many players as we used to. While I agree it's not great, it doesn't symbolise the end of the server, I've got no plans to slow down in development or features and as explained above we will be bringing back events, and introducing other fun features in the future. We will be likely introducing features to make it easier for new players to get started too, and will try to have a more active role in helping new players.

I keep saying this but if you've got any ideas for how to make Noobstown more fun so people (including yourself) want to stick around and so it's generally more enjoyable for you to play then please do suggest them. If it's a big idea I'm still open to it too, things can change and new ideas can be introduced. Noobstown is meant to be a community for us all to enjoy; ideas don't just have to come from the staff, I'm welcoming anyone to put forward their ideas.

Finally I want to give a great thanks to Foob for getting Noobstown to where it is today, and for giving me the opportunity to continue on with things now that he has stepped down. I wish him all the best in whatever future ventures he takes part in :).

If you have any questions about anything mentioned above, the future of Noobstown, my plans or anything similar please do just ask.

- ItsLawrence

In other news the Map is now available again from the link at the top of the site and
« Last Edit: 11 Sep 2016, 19:23:01 by ItsLawrence »


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #1 on: 11 Sep 2016, 19:00:44 »
This all sounds great to me, the summer updates, events, etc etc!
With regards to the 'Donation' shop, maybe it is possible for instead of taking it down, remove all the items that change gameplay (Horses, chunks, rank upgrades, etc) and replace all of those with a couple of cosmetic items,  for example maybe an exclusive cape, or the ability to change your prefix in game, for example instead of [Member] you can change it to something unique that you think of, obviously there would be a character limit and no profanity etc etc, but it would keep the same colour so we can see still who's VIP, Member, Mod, etc!

As with the lowering member count it seems to have been rising again a bit lately which is good news. I'm sure if the updates keep rolling and people talk in chat and so forth and see it's an active community more will stay. Maybe have a look at the optimisation of the keywords and all that stuff which makes Noobscraft pop up on the search engines and other sites like PMC etc.

Maybe a community project now and then also could be great for bringing existing people and new people on, something outside of events, maybe there can be a group competition where you're in teams and you build a new arena, or a new district for the spawn, and then the winners get the build implemented into the server. This couple maybe be done in a completely seperate world which is only open during the period of the event where you get "Unlimited" supplies (everything could be put in a chest shop costing 0nbz, but your inventory emptied automatically when you leave the world so nothing is brought out and exploited, or something along those lines that is community based, aswell as the events obviously, except with this you could just let it run for however long and just check periodically if anything is amiss!

Just a couple ideas of the top of my head, but apart from that, this all sounds like great news to me, glad to hear everything is still rocking and rolling, and obviously now you're solo it'll take longer which is obviously again perfectly normal and understandable!! :D
(I'm not re-reading this so if it doesn't make sense, say so) Lol


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #2 on: 11 Sep 2016, 21:56:00 »
Glad to hear the future of noobstown is bright! Hopefully more theme months/events will bring more players onto the server!


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #3 on: 12 Sep 2016, 04:17:41 »
It's a shame about the x2 Mcmmo donations going away.  I can certainly understand not wanting to complicate your taxes, but Mojang's guidelines would allow that kind of thing:

"You may....sell positive effects or enhancements (other than "Capes") IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way."

Anyway, looking forward to the summer updates, and to seeing more server events and other fun stuff!  :)


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #4 on: 12 Sep 2016, 23:10:26 »
I would be happy if sponges worked again in town and wild worlds. I liked the way they used to soak up a 5x5x5 square of water back in v5 or whenever they were usable last.


The majority of new players joining are coming due to Mineapoc. I think it'd be better to put Noobstown on other Server "showcase" websites. Might get some new members joining long-term  :)
« Last Edit: 12 Sep 2016, 23:13:16 by Bluex_ »


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #5 on: 13 Sep 2016, 22:46:51 »
With regards to the 'Donation' shop, maybe it is possible for instead of taking it down, remove all the items that change gameplay (Horses, chunks, rank upgrades, etc) and replace all of those with a couple of cosmetic items,  for example maybe an exclusive cape, or the ability to change your prefix in game, for example instead of [Member] you can change it to something unique that you think of, obviously there would be a character limit and no profanity etc etc, but it would keep the same colour so we can see still who's VIP, Member, Mod, etc!
It's a shame about the x2 Mcmmo donations going away.  I can certainly understand not wanting to complicate your taxes, but Mojang's guidelines would allow that kind of thing
Eventually there will likely be some for of shop allowing for the purchase of cosmetic only items or items which cause things for all players (such as the double mcMMO XP).

I do understand the want for this, but as I briefly explained and rueyeet touched on; doing this would create quite a task for me in terms of keeping track of sales for taxes. Since Noobstown isn't a business as such and as I currently have a full time job; any income coming from Noobstown payments would be classed as extra personal income for myself (even though it would be fed back into Noobstown) and as such I'd have to declare that to be taxed manually as part of my yearly taxes. It gets even more complicated by the fact that the majority of the time things would be ran at a loss. I'd need to weigh up the benefits of the funds against the amount of extra work to determine if it's actually worth it, and at the moment it personally doesn't seem to be of much benefit considering the time it could potentially take vs the minimal income it could generate. Directly selling things is something I will likely do longer term once I have sorted out how exactly the tax side of things would work, or if there is ever the need to increase spending and I can no longer afford it myself, or if it's something people really want I could push to get that figured out sooner. I will be probably adding a generalised 'Donate' button (for no rewards) soon as I said in the original post though.

Maybe have a look at the optimisation of the keywords and all that stuff which makes Noobscraft pop up on the search engines and other sites like PMC etc.
The majority of new players joining are coming due to Mineapoc. I think it'd be better to put Noobstown on other Server "showcase" websites. Might get some new members joining long-term  :)
While I can understand where you're coming from I personally am going to try and focus on improving the existing experience for new and existing players before we make a bigger push to try and get even more people to connect. You may have noticed that since the transfer we've been visited by quite a few new players, but many of them find the start confusing or unsuitable. Once I'm satisfied that the experience for new players is fun enough that they're more likely to consider sticking around then I'll work on publicising the server more. :D

Maybe a community project now and then also could be great for bringing existing people and new people on, something outside of events, maybe there can be a group competition where you're in teams and you build a new arena, or a new district for the spawn, and then the winners get the build implemented into the server. This couple maybe be done in a completely seperate world which is only open during the period of the event where you get "Unlimited" supplies (everything could be put in a chest shop costing 0nbz, but your inventory emptied automatically when you leave the world so nothing is brought out and exploited, or something along those lines that is community based, aswell as the events obviously, except with this you could just let it run for however long and just check periodically if anything is amiss!
I like that idea, we've definitely got plans to do more community events as I said in the post above, but making group ones where you have to work together sounds like a nice idea. Not sure at the moment how we'd implement the 'unlimited supplies'  and your specific suggestion, but something to consider.

I would be happy if sponges worked again in town and wild worlds. I liked the way they used to soak up a 5x5x5 square of water back in v5 or whenever they were usable last.
The sponges in the Wilderness will end up working like they do in towns and normal vanilla Minecraft where they absorb water and then become wet and need drying out. This is already the case for towns it just needs putting into the Wilderness too :D!

If you have anymore comments or questions just reply and ask :).


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #6 on: 16 Sep 2016, 21:36:46 »
As far as I know, buying 2xMCMMO for the whole server is not actually against the Commercial Guidelines, as specifically stated here, that YOU MAY:
* sell positive effects or enhancements (other than "Capes") IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way.

Just so everyone sees the relevant part, here it is:
    * ask for donations (as opposed to direct charges) IF you do not offer the individual donor something in exchange that only he or she can use. You may offer server wide rewards if donation goals are achieved though.
    * sell cosmetic items, except for "Capes", IF the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server - i.e there can be no "pay to win".
    *sell positive effects or enhancements (other than "Capes") IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way.
    provide in-game advertising opportunities, sponsorships, or product placement for 3rd parties IF they don't degrade or interfere with gameplay or give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server.
    * use in-game currencies IF (i) they are "soft currencies" i.e. a currency earned or expended only through gameplay that has no real world value and that cannot be cashed out, used or transferred across free or paid servers, or converted into "credits"; and (ii) you don't give the impression that it comes from or is associated with Mojang.


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #7 on: 17 Sep 2016, 21:34:41 »
Most of those who played heavy during the winter months work seasonal job's. I am normally on from December-April  due to being unemployed those months. I will be back on the sever soon. Sounds great you are keeping it going!!! Made some interesting friends here and there is always something to do on the server.


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #8 on: 18 Sep 2016, 05:38:48 »
Most of those who played heavy during the winter months work seasonal job's. I am normally on from December-April  due to being unemployed those months. I will be back on the sever soon. Sounds great you are keeping it going!!! Made some interesting friends here and there is always something to do on the server.
Yeah. I have been very busy with sports and hard high school but when it gets settled in and I have more time I will be playing lots! Just hard to right now with advanced classes and one AP in my first few weeks of high school. But I got to say I LOVE the server and all of you guys. I am always checking in on the website and if anyone needs to contact me message me through the website!


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #9 on: 18 Sep 2016, 05:41:32 »
Also where did the website messages go? I can't find them.


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #10 on: 18 Sep 2016, 13:40:30 »
They are under your avatar picture up top, it's a drop down menu : D


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #11 on: 18 Sep 2016, 17:38:12 »
They are under your avatar picture up top, it's a drop down menu : D
Thank you! If anyone needs to contact me or just wants to tell me something message me!


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #12 on: 3 Dec 2016, 19:31:01 »
I think it would be better if everyone with a donator rank, should lose it. I'm a VIP+ myself, and I don't really care about a title. Some people might even get mad if they see that someone has VIP as title. It's better that every member has the same title, or at least not a special title.


Re: Noobstown Moving Forward
« Reply #13 on: 6 Dec 2016, 15:16:25 »
I think it would be better if everyone with a donator rank, should lose it. I'm a VIP+ myself, and I don't really care about a title. Some people might even get mad if they see that someone has VIP as title. It's better that every member has the same title, or at least not a special title.
That you wanted to waste your money is up to you, but I invested a couple hundred bucks in the VIP and VIP+ upgrades for myself, my friends, during contests etc. If that just gets thrown out then I know for certain they don't respect their players and that we can all just pack up and go instead of sticking around.