Skyside Snowman challenge - Your chance to win 100.000nbz!  (Read 721 times)

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***Please read this entire post carefully if you want to win 100k***
As the end of the year is nearing we here in Skyside figured it would be the perfect time for a little challenge. Throughout the whole town of Skyside we hid 10 structures which may look a bit like a snowman. Some will be easy to find, others will be more difficult. Whoever finds the most of them before the contest ends will be rewarded with our grand prize of 100.000Nbz. If multiple players manage to find all snowmen, then the winner will be randomly chosen among those players. There will be a special bonus prize for the person whom finds all 10 snowmen first. The contest is open for all members, vips and staff members on the server.

How to participate
-Come to town using /t spawn skyside
-If you find a snowman, look for a sign with a 5 character code on the snowman (example: 59DF2) and send the code to me using a forum PM. The time at which you send the pm will count as the time you found the snowman at for the contest.
-If possible include a screenshot of yourself and the snowman  :D

-If you find a snowman do not tell anyone else about it, it will only lower your own chance of winning
-Do not post any of the codes or snowman locations you find in the server chat.
-Do not attempt to cheat in any way possible
-Do not send me an ingame pm or mail if you find a snowman, use the forum pm to send me (itisnotyou) a message.

If you break any of the given rules you may forfeit your chance of winning a prize. The challenge will run until January 1st, after which the winner(s) will be anounced in a forum post. When the end of the month is nearing we may or may not share a few hints on the locations. This will depend on how many snowman have been found. To get everyone started, here's a screenshot of the location of the first snowman:

If you have any questions regarding the contest please let us know in this forum thread.
« Last Edit: 23 Dec 2014, 20:26:39 by itisnotyou »


Re: Skyside Snowman challenge - Your chance to win 100.000nbz!
« Reply #1 on: 23 Dec 2014, 22:01:44 »
That was a fun a little crazy inducing game, it was awesome until the last one. :D I really enjoying searching then eventually finding those sneaky snowmen.


Re: Skyside Snowman challenge - Your chance to win 100.000nbz!
« Reply #2 on: 26 Dec 2014, 20:53:40 »
I'll be gone until jan 1st, but keep on looking for those snowmen! Remember, some snowmen like swimming.