The Woid (I spelled that right)  (Read 782 times)

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The Woid (I spelled that right)
« on: 20 Sep 2012, 01:46:04 »
Hello people of noobscraft! Are you too pour to live in a town, live in the middle of a forrest and constantly gets griefed? Well if you do then come live in The Woid! The Woid is my village (soon to be town) that is totally protected! But not by actual protections like in a town, its protected by helpful neighbours that watch over your home wile your gone! Sadly it will have to stay this way until I get the money to make it a town. BUT if you can't wait, you can donate to me using your noobz! In The Woid, instead of selling plots, we sell prebuilt houses that you can add onto in any fashion you want! BUT in this town we don't tolerate griefers so if you are caught griefing you will be evicted immediately! No exemptions!