Windermere shop district open to everyone!  (Read 995 times)

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Windermere shop district open to everyone!
« on: 3 Nov 2015, 05:51:53 »
Windermere is proud to announce that our shop district is open to anybody from any town (or no town) who is interested in owning one. The reason being it will open our district up more to include different items and will help bring more people to the town.

So if you are interested in owning one of our prebuilt shops /msg me in-game or send me a mail msg in-game. :)

Shops plots are 10K and the go towards the town. No taxes on any shop plots!

*Don't forget about our new diamond exchange as well! /visit reddeadkid to check out the building. If interested in owning a chest, let me know!*