first of all if someone maxes out a skill they can't get the mcmmo for it so they can't grind that skill so i would raise it to 5000 since you can't get xp for being max or i might be wrong,
Unfortunately this is how mcMMO works as it is right now, once you max out you don't gain anymore XP. I'm reluctant to simply increase the max level because we'd just hit the same issue again in a few months once a few players hit 5k instead of the current 4k max, and it would potentially not be best of fun for those players who feel like they've achieved the max to then be told they're no longer there. To try and accommodate for those few players who have maxed out some of their skills, I have been looking in to some options:
- Potentially to allow players to choose to reset back levels for some sort of perk (I realise some people might not like this idea though).
- Possibly to still record XP gains for those who hit the maxes, but for it to not effect their mcMMO level, so they'd just gain XP on top of their level, but the level itself would never change; this would allow them to still take part in the Top of the Month for mcMMO too. It isn't as easy for this to happen though because it would involve making adjustments to mcMMO (something that we don't currently make), which is why I'm having to investigate the viability of this.
I am definitely aware that the limit is definitely
limiting things though.
i think there should be more admins too help run the server
I currently have no plans of expanding the admin team here, Noobstown is a project ran for fun for free for those who want to enjoy themselves too. I appreciate that because it's only really changed during my free-time that there have been limited events, and changes more recently though. I'm also not aware of anyone at this time that I believe would be able to offer more than they already can, and that is willing and suitable to take up the admin role for free in the same capacity as we previously had. It requires a range of skills from more technical knowledge of how things work, to being able to support the gameplay itself. The current staff team is already able to do a lot of the tasks that are required for continued operation of the server.
idk personally there should be weekly updates to the server to make it more fun like mini games such as mob arena or something like tnt run or spleef for the game when a certain amount of players join the game starts so when your bored you can play mini games maybe get 1 250$ gem then maybe have monthly mcmmo events
In July last year we
introduced the Top of the Month contests to introduce a monthly competition of sorts that everyone is automatically taking part in, which includes rewards for mcMMO and loads of other things too (including Gems as prizes too if you want them). Players are more than welcome to produce their own games and play them with others. We have also had quests/other events going on too, and will do in the future too. I appreciate that there have been less direct staff ran events where things are scheduled and you turn up to take part in games, etc. though.
The quote Diamondpuppy808 put in the reply above also explains a little more about this.
maybe allow more events get players like monthly ender dragon killing events when you beat it you can get a cool head for participating or maybe drop it from the sky then someone has a chance to get the egg
You're welcome to kill the ender dragon at any point, they can be re-spawned by anyone using End Crystals. You get the Minecraft XP from this as a reward. If players want to arrange a monthly get-together to fight it together, if you discuss it with me first and others are willing to take part then I'll happily provide a reward for organising it and doing so.
then maybe every other month should be a quick drop party to start getting more players to play
I appreciate that people love the drop parties we do, but if they were done constantly then they'd become less of a big event, they'd just be another regular thing. Plus people might be less inclined to go to them if they knew there were just be another one in a few weeks. Having them limited to the bigger events through the year makes them more of something to look forward to and means that more stuff can be given out at once allowing the single events to last for longer.
get rid of the mcmmo gains cause the more you play it goes down so then players relog to get max mcmmo gains thats why floris relogged alotand
As has been discussed previously the gain reductions should only be for once you're earning extremely high amounts of XP, this is to encourage you to diversify skills. It should not be something you notice too often based on normal fair gameplay, and if it is then I'm open to adjusting the limits on things as I said previously when it was introduced.
Cheating and abusing a bug to bypass these limits (or any other feature) is not allowed, and if you're caught clearly abusing any bugs and not reporting them you will be punished.
maybe when a players reaches certain goals they get i little money or a cool head say when they hit 1000 powerlevel they get a head or 5000 powerlevel they get anthor head so it will keep players wanting to see what the next head
Rewards for reaching milestones for mcMMO and activity (and other things) is something I've wanted to add for quite some time now, it is a reasonable amount of work to make it fair and to set up though. You can see the existing work item relating to this at:
https://www.noobscraft.com/work/full/activity-rewards/ I've also added an update to explicitly list the mcMMO idea.
will be lastly redo the voting system instead of voting and being the top voter you can get other things such as maybe coins to get a /hat or /workbench/craft just all cool part time thing
The rewards for Top Voters now come under the
Top Players of the Month contests. From this the top voters do earn more than just Noobz, they get Reward Tokens too. You can trade in the Reward Tokens for a range of different things, and I'm open to adding further rewards for any of the categories too.
then put more voting urls so you can get more advertising and get more players instead of getting 1 players a week you could get 10 players a week imagine
I appreciate that it might seem like just adding Noobstown to more voting sites might increase the overall advertising of the server, but based on wider Minecraft discussion it is unlikely that it'd have an overly big impact if we added Noobstown to further listing sites as we'd have to start from fresh on those sites. I will look in to further options for voting though, and maybe we can trial some other sites and see how they go.
I always appreciate any honest feedback any player has, I appreciate you taking the time to write your suggestion and put forward some ideas. I'm willing to discuss any ideas you've got and welcome any reply to my responses above.