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Topics - SeaofRed79

Pages: [1]
Suggestions & Ideas / Merchandise Revamp
« on: 9 May 2014, 03:02:44 »
Since Mojang changed their terms of use with their logo basically all of the merchandise on the store was removed.
I think many of us would like to have all of the items back as I personally would rock the Noobscraft gear.

Just not a wide enough selection now.

(Have any ideas for items? post in the comments)

Suggestions & Ideas / X-Ray prevention consequences
« on: 15 Apr 2014, 03:48:38 »
So as some of us have seen and many of us have heard, there is a new line in the defense against x-rayers. Fore those who don't know any lag whatsoever will show the player all forms of ore until it loads back to show whats actually behind it (usually stone) this becomes more apparent with haste or efficiency perks on the tool or character. This small moment of confusion is not the most terrible in the world however when one uses their super breaker the game has changed. In a moment you may think your mining fdiamond because it will appear and the particles of blue will fall then the next you think you are breaking lapisuli then emerald then redstone then coal, as a person who uses silktouch for all ores other than iron and gold this causes quite a lot of stress as you are constantly attempting to decide whether to ignore pseudo ore or tell if its real and avert mining. I mine for money and is what I enjoy doing in minecraft as well, but now I doubt I will touch the skill. While I have enough resources from mining to sustain myself for a very long period I will now have to find another way to make money and find enjoyment. I would suggest, if possible setting the area in which the stone is turned to pseudo-stone about three or four spaces away from where the break occurred in order to not confuse a normal miner who doesn't X-ray, if not then you make see an increased value of ores and mined materials as it is an activity I imagine people will not partake as often and seek other means of money making.

Other / Fun Fact for excavation
« on: 13 Apr 2014, 04:26:39 »
You Can indeed get diamonds from excavation, it is not very common but I have gotten 3 from a super breaker so it's you will stay positive on diamonds even with a diamond spade.

Required level 850

Market Place / Selling Beacon Bid starts @ 100k buyout 175k
« on: 16 Mar 2014, 04:11:52 »

Suggestions & Ideas / /shop ability to sell stone
« on: 13 Feb 2014, 04:50:57 »
As the official forum for this is locked I would like to propose the possibility to have the ability to sell normal stone to the /shop as well as cobblestone. The reason why is because I have been receiving notably less usable picks from enchanting, I would love to use the silk touch efficiency 3 unbreaking 3 pickaxe but if I do then it cuts right into my main source of money as a miner which is cobblestone. I don't even care if the price is greater than cobble stone, I would happily sell for the same 192 (I think) per 64 blocks if it meant I had more picks at my disposal.

Perhaps your house, enough stone to bury an admin with? Diamonds and emerald to go on a gigantic emp statues crown? Enough horses to begin recreation favorite western movies? Or perhaps a labyrinth that leads to the lost city of atlantis? What do you plan on having done?

Videos / The last of the mob arena
« on: 15 Sep 2013, 15:52:22 »
Only a little bit of disconnect in here unfortunately.

Videos / Farewell is a ton of fun to play
« on: 3 Sep 2013, 00:35:22 »

A bit of the Mob Arena, and an update on college life for all of those who care!

*NOTE* This is our server, don't take this video down unless I was absolutely racist and wasn't able to hear it while saying it and or running through the audio*/NOTE*

Thank you.

Other / On the youtube channel
« on: 24 Aug 2013, 04:27:38 »
Well my noobscraft video was taken off the forums, which was obviously advertising all the other servers with the cloned IP of our fine server. SO yeah...

No need to share THOSE specific ones anymore...

Pictures / Monument of EmperorMyrf
« on: 3 Aug 2013, 00:40:22 »
This is an expensive monument, so be happy! Happy I tell you!

Market Place / Enchanted spades, diamonds and emeralds!
« on: 31 Jul 2013, 06:52:00 »
Hello everyone, I have been excavating recently and have fallen in love with unbreaking 3 enchanted 3/4 spades
and as I don't wish to spend my time getting levels every time one of my spades loses its enchantments I have decided to pay you for your time. I will give you 4k for a u3e4 spade and 3.5k for a u3e3 spade. If you have other enchantments we can talk about the price.

Also my shop is now buying diamonds @ 235 and emeralds @ 380.

Also selling cracked brick and mossy brick in my store alongside glowstone!

Come visit and make use of the free t30 enchant table upstairs

Guides / ALL the Commands
« on: 29 Jul 2013, 01:35:25 »
I always wondered what all the commands were, now, thanks to GG, here they are!



Towny Commands

It Costs 850,000 Noobz to be able to creat a Town. Anyone who wants to can make a town, but it is wise to know what you are getting yourself into before you deside to make your own town, because once you create the town, theres no turning back.

/tc [message] :Town Chat: To stay in Town Chat just do /tc: To get out of Town Chat do /tc again.
/nc [message] :Nation Chat: To stay in Nation Chat just do /nc: To get out of Nation Chat do /nc again.
/msg playername your message : send a private message to playername
/reply your message : send a private message to last payer who sent you a message

/resident set mode tc : to talk by default in Town Chat
/resident set mode nc : to talk by default in Nation Chat
/resident set mode reset : to talk by default in normal Chat

Resident Related

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /player or /r

/resident : your stats
/resident ? : Resident help list
/resident [resident] : Resident stats
/resident set mode map : toogles automap
/resident set mode townclaim :toggles autoclaim
/resident set mode map townclaim : toogles map and autoclaim
/resident set mode reset : disables map/autoclaim
/resident friend [add/remove] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove resident to your friendlist
/resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident] .. resident] : Add/Remove offline resident to your friendlist
/resident friend clearlist : clears friendlist
/resident delete [resident] : delete resident of our friendlist
/resident set perm [on/off] :enable disable permissions on your plots
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :more specific
/resident set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy] [on/off] :even more specific

reset : Reset modes to default.
map : Show the map as you move between town blocks.
townclaim : Claim as you walk.
townunclaim : Unclaim as you walk.
tc : Talking to your town won't require you to prefix "/tc".
nc : Talking to your nation won't require you to prefix "/nc".
waratk : Show logging of hp of the places your town is attacking.
wardef : Show logging of hp of the places your town is under attack.

Towny Related

All towny commands can also be used with it's alias /t

/town : your town stats
/town ? :town commands list
/town list : list of towns
/town leave : leave your stone
/town here :infos on the town you're located
/town spawn : teleport to your town's spawn
/town claim : expand your town in the wilderness chunk you're in
/town claim rect [radius] : expand your town in a rectangular form
/town claim rect auto : same but with auto dimension
/town unclaim: unclaim a parcel
/town unclaim all : unclaim every parcel of your town
/town unclaim rect [radius] :
/town withdraw [$] :withdraw money from your town bank account
/town deposit [$] : deposits
/town new [town] : create a new town with you as the mayor
/town new [town] [mayor] :Same but with mayor specifics
/town [add/kick] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick resident to your town
/town [add+/kick+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline resident to your town
/town assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick assistants to your town
/town assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident] : add/kick offline assistants to your town
/town set board [message ... ] : set your town messageboard
/town set mayor [mayor] :changes your mayor
/town set homeblock : changes your homeblock
/town set spawn : change your spawn
/town set perm [on/off] : same than resident perms , but for town
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] :same
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch] [on/off] :town
/town set pvp [on/off] : enables/ disables pvp
/town set taxes [$] : set Town tax
/town set plottax [$] : set Tax for the plots
/town set plotprice [$] : set the plot price.
/town set name [name] : renames your town
/towny top money resident/town/all/nation : shows which residents/towns/nations have the most money
/towny top residents town/all/nation : shows which residents/towns/nations have the most residents
/towny top land resident/town/all/nation : show which residents/towns/nations have the most claimed land

Plot Related

/plot claim : claims a plot
/plot unclaim : unclaim it
/plot forsale : setting it for sale
/plot notforsale : not setting it for sale

Nation Related

/na : Allows you to talk and stay in Nation Chat

/nation list : shows a list of all the nations on the server
/nation [nation] : shows information on the named nation
/nation leave : leaves the nation your town is in
/nation withdraw [$] : withdraws the numbered amount of money from the Nation Bank
/nation deposit [$] : deposites the numbered amount of money into the Nation Bank
/nation new [nation]
/nation new [nation] [capital]
/nation assistant [add/remove] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation assistant [add+/remove+] [resident] .. [resident]
/nation add [town] .. [town]
/nation kick [town] .. [town]
/nation delete [nation]
/nation ally [add/remove] [nation]
/nation enemy [add/remove] [nation]
/nation set neutral [on/off]
/nation set taxes [$]
/nation set name [name]
/nation set king [resident]
/nation set capital [town]
/nation set name [name]

/towny ? : towny help list
/towny map : shows map
/towny war stats : show war stats
/towny war scores : show war scores

Towny Admin

All resident commands can also be used with it's alias /ta

/townyadmin ?
/townyadmin set [] .. []
/townyadmin set king [nation] [king]
/townyadmin set capital [nation] [capital]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor]
/townyadmin set mayor [town] npc
/townyadmin set name [town/nation] [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc rename [oldname] [name]
/townyadmin npc list
/townyadmin war toggle
/townyadmin war toggle [on/off]
/townyadmin givebonus [town] [n]
/townyadmin reload
/townyadmin newday
/townyadmin backup
Console only

/towny seed
/towny tree

LWC CommandsEdit
LWC Related
LWC: Chest/ Door Protection

o /lwc -c public Create a public protection (anyone can view/modify, but not protect)
o /lwc -c password <password> Create a password-protected protection
o /lwc -c private Create a private protection
* /lwc -m Modify an existing protection
* /lwc -u <password> Unlock something (when asked)
* /lwc -i View information on an already protected inventory
* /lwc -p Activate a mode if it is not blacklisted
* /lwc -r <protection|modes> Remove an existing protection or all modes activated on you

Shop CommandsEdit
Shop Related

/shopcheck [Item]
/shop list [Page #]
/shop list buy
/shop list sell
/shop list info
/sell [item] - sells one of the named item in your hand or inventory

/sell [item] [# or all] - sells that amount of the block in your inventory

/buy [item] - Buys one of the named item from the global shop

/buy [item]
  • - buys that amount of the named item from the global shop

Iconomy CommandsEdit
Iconomy Related
/money - check your balance
/money ? - Help for basic money commands
/money rank - Rank on the topcharts
/money top - Richest players list
/money pay [player] [amount] - Send money to a player
/money pay [player] [amount] : Send money to a player.
/money : Get your current account balance.

MCMMO CommandsEdit
/mcmmo - Displays a description of the mod and how to play

/mcc - Displays a list of McMMO commands in game

/mcstats - View detailed information on your McMMO stats

/mctop - Views the list of the top 10 people in McMMO for the server.

  • - Views the list of ranks for a certain page of McMMO ranks. (Ex. /mctop 2 Shows who in the 11-20 top in McMMO for the server, and /mctop 10 will show who are in the 91-100 top in McMMO for the server)

ICOLand CommandsEdit
===ICoLand Related
LANDID - ID # of the land you want the command to act on
ADDON - the name of the addon ( announce, noenter, heal )
PERMTAGS - permission tags they are formatted like: :, where is the playername or the special tag "default", and is either "-" to remove a perm, or "t" or "f" to indicate granting or denying permission

/icl - shows /icl help
/icl help - help screen
/icl list - lists all properties
/icl select [cancel|fullheight] - land selection tool ( right click 2 corners ), or with optional parameters, cancel - cancels current selection, fullheight - modifies selection to be full height
/icl info [here|LANDID] - shows more specific info on a single land, with just /icl info it shows you info on the selected land ( or the land you are currently in if nothing selected ), /icl info here shows you info of the area you are standing in, /icl info will show you info on a specific land ID#
/icl buy land - this command buys the land currently selected for the price listed under /icl info
/icl buy addon - buys the specified for the specified - addon prices are listed under /icl info
/icl sell land - sells the land specified by ( price has a "salestax" % it will buyback the land at
/icl sell addon - sells the specified at the specified
/icl edit name
/icl edit perms
Admin commands
/icl modify perms - (admin) - modifies a ' permissions
/icl modify addons - (admin) - modifies a 's addons
/icl modify owner - (admin) - changes the owner of a


Announce - will announce the name of the area when a player enters or leaves
NoEnter - will deny people from entering the zone
Heal - will heal players over time
NoSpawn - no spawns ( and removes mobs from the zone on a period configurable time )
NoBoom - no explosions ( not yet implemented )
NoFire - blocks can not burn or be ignited
NoFlow - lava/water will not flow in this zone ( if you have build perms you can have single source blocks in mid air heh )===

/whois - View detailed information about a player (requires Op)

/a - Toggle admin chat (requires Op)
/setmyspawn - Set your own personal spawn location stored in a file
/myspawn - Return to your own personal spawn as if you had died (use this instead of suicide)
/chunkme - this fixes the world holes that seem to be appearing everywhere...
/admin - sends a pm to Fatnoobs desktop
/pvp (on/off) - to turn off the ability to pvp ( pvp is set to its default - off - on login )
/sethome - sets your home

/home - goes to your sethome location

Mob Arena CommandsEdit
The Mob Arena is Not Completed Yet
Mob Arena Related
/ma join

/ma leave

/ma spectate

/ma list

/ma notready

VIP Commands

/Thru - Lets you go "Thru" walls and/or blocks that have an opening behind them or above them...
/J or /Jump - Teleports you to the block your cursor is on.

/Ascend [Number of levels] or /Descend [Number of Levels] - You got up or down how many levels you wish.

/Top - Takes you to the highest block that has been placed above you.

/spawn - Takes you to the VIP spawn, which has some "Special" shops which are not available to [Member]s

/sethome (name of home) - VIP's get an extra two /sethome's, which amounts to a grand total of 3 places that you can teleport to by using /home. After you do /sethome (name of home), to get there all you have to type is /home (name of home).

/wb - Lets you open up a crafting/work bench where ever you are, it can come in handy when you need to craft an item, but you dont have a work bench.

/enderchest - Lets you open up an enderchest where every you are. It is great for extra storage when mining or farming.

/Back - Takes you back to the last place you were before you teleported or died.


Other / ALL the Commands
« on: 28 Jul 2013, 03:35:50 »

Pictures / GamerGirlxo may have been jailed...
« on: 24 Jul 2013, 05:33:36 »
Now you've been too bad Gamer.

Pictures / GamerGirlxo Cylinder of Shame
« on: 24 Jul 2013, 04:44:51 »
So it begins

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